gods & goddesses!

A few years ago a Hollywood celebrity suddenly lost his wife to an illness! He asked this Pastor to do the funeral service! He also asked him if he could have the mic during the service to give a special eulogy for her! Sometimes a Pastor when he has to hand the mic over to a congregation member for a testimony or to someone he does not really know the fear of God moves into his heart! Then the Pastor says to himself what the heck? He is paying me a lot of money for this service and after all it is his wife! During the eulogy of his wife he made the closing remark that his wife was the best wife he ever had? A commentator later said that is what he said about all of his wives! Recently another celebrity re-married her first husband! Did she have buyers remorse? Did she bankrupt the last guy and the first guy was just coming out of recovery? I hope it works out for both of them and for the last guy she just dumped! I said all that to say this! There is only one God and he has only one Son! His name is Jesus Christ! He is faithful and true! His name is not Happy Holidays! Jesus was with his disciples for three years! Yet most of them had other gods! Judas was so in love with money it cost him his life and his eternity! Yet they did not know they had other gods until the crucifixion came! Then they ran for their lives and went into hiding! Persecution will always tell on you who you really are! This test is coming to the church in America very soon! After Jesus rose from the grave he had to seek his disciples! The two women who went to the empty tomb Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene were faithful! Hats off to the ladies! Jesus found Peter along the seashore back to his fishing occupation! Jesus told Peter he would make him fishers of men! All the disciples came back repented and became pillars in the Christian church! You may feel you have failed God in some way! Some little god got in your way! God will never give up on you! Just do not give up on God! Wait in patience in whatever trial you are going through and he will prove to you he is faithful! No longer trust your little cultural gods but in the Christ who created the heavens and the earth and you! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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