Just a Carpenter? Mark 6:2-3

“And when the Sabbath Day was come, he began to teach in the Synagogue; and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? And what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands? Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses and of Judas, and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?” Commentary: The crowds, his own family and the political and religious leaders could not figure Jesus out? How can this be? He looks just like an ordinary guy with extraordinary power and wisdom! How can this be? He defiles all logic! He seems to be more than a mortal man? His authority over things and creation reverses the sinful ways of men! He heals the sick and raises the dead! Opens the eyes of the blind? What mortal could do these things? Not the King of Judea nor Caesar himself has this much power? The rulers are afraid of him yet the common man loves him! His authority threatens the political and religious rulers of our day! The whole order of our worldly system is threatened! He could put our physicians and hospitals out of business! Our funeral homes might go down! We are offended at him because our whole way of life and our systems of government are at risk! Away with him! Crucify him! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Trick or Treat? Mark5:2-3

“And when Jesus was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not even with chains.” Commentary: You know when you are in ministry people will find you! That was our experience in India for those 3 years! It was 24-7 needs for those 3 years! They would come in the middle of the night for prayer! A man shows up late at night and tells us he has no money to bury his father! A group of Nuns show up late at night telling us if the Priest finds out about this they will remove our burial rights on church owned lands! When you follow Jesus you will gain favor with God but often you will lose reputation with the world! Jesus why did you heal on the Sabbath? You broke our rules who cares about this man with a withered hand? He is nothing to us! Jesus you came to our village and healed this crazy man but we lost 2000 pigs! Get out Jesus we love our pigs! If you give our pigs back then we can live with this crazy man! We want our pigs! Money is more important to us than this crazy man healed! In India the poor would always say when delivered out of the most dire circumstances that God has sent us to them! The rich men there would always ask us why did you come to India? We lived in America and got our education there so why would you ever leave America? I would just repeat what I had heard from the poor! God has sent us here! I told my father just before leaving America to India that God is sending us to the mission field of India! He told me I must have heard from the Devil! The closest to you may forsake you to follow Jesus! Get out Jesus! We want our pigs back! The crazy man Jesus healed wanted to follow Jesus and get in the boat with him to leave his village! Jesus said no! Be a witness instead to your people for what I have done for you! Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! So what made this crazy man crazy? In this case it was demons! The Greek translation of the word “unclean spirits” means demon possession due to Idol worship! Self worship! If your only God is yourself you are in deep trouble! This is what is happening in America today! Darwinism leads to atheism which leads to socialism and communism and dictatorships and self worship! Jesus gets kicked out of our culture! Anarchy death and destruction or demon spirits invade the vacuum left by abandoning Christ! The idols of self worship leave us living in the tombs! Young people buried by the hundreds of thousands by drug addiction living in the tombs! Crime waves killing our citizens living in the tombs! Cities burned down by rioters living in the tombs! Education systems teaching our children wickedness rejecting Christ and telling the children they are not really born with your gender? You can reject your gender because we have rejected the God of Creation! You just evolved and can evolve into anything! Male to female or female to male! We will sacrifice our children to prove we are right! Even a crazy man if you want! Jesus judge of the living and the dead comes to you today to make a decision about him? Who do you say I am? Jesus saved the crazy man but judged the demons! The chains of the crazy man were broken off! He no longer had to live in the tombs! Peace replaced terror! Righteousness replaced evil! Who are you following? Are you chasing after pigs? Your money can purchase pigs but not redemption! There was an old song written in India many years ago! It could have been written by a crazy man redeemed by Jesus and the lyrics go like this: “I have decided to follow Jesus! The Cross before me the world behind me! No turning back! No turning back! Have you decided to follow Jesus?” If you cannot look forward to Jesus then all you can do is look back to the tombs of yesterday! America must move out of the tombs but if it continues to reject Christ then the graveyard is our only option! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Republican or Democrat? Capitalist or Socialist? Mark 4:24-25

Jesus Words: “Consider carefully what you hear”, he continued. With the means you use, it will be measured to you– and even more. Whosoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” Commentary: Do you remember that old truth? Socialism works well until they run out of other people’s money! The only reason our government borrows and spends trillions of dollars more than they have is because they have spent all of your tax dollars! They need more for their socialism programs! Then inflation comes and you end up just like our government! Borrowing because you are also out of money! If you earn more than you make that is socialism! If you make more than you earn that is capitalism! Socialism leads to poverty and capitalism leads to prosperity! Whether it is Elon Musk or Donald Trump the socialists hate successful people! Why? Because they are not dependent on government! Socialists want you dependent on them so they can stay in political power! Jesus lesson on the ten talents illustrates two political systems that are opposite each other! Capitalism brings prosperity and socialism poverty! As the socialists take control under the Biden Administration poverty is coming to America! We have to ask Pastors across America was and is the 501c worth muting yourself in our 2020 election cycle? Exchanging money for freedom? The biggest threat to Democracy is not Donald Trump! It is socialism and the promoters of it! The left wants power forever so socialism and the fall of capitalism will be their ticket to success! Then we become another Russia, China, Cuba or North Korea having the same dictator forever! Socialism is paying people to do nothing! Paying people to break the law! Paying illegals to enter our country from money we do not have! Rewarding the law breakers and punishing the law abiding citizens! Giving criminals freedom and guns and taking our guns away! ! As a believer in Christ we understand the scriptures that say if the foundations are broke down what can the righteous do? We still overcome evil with good! Find someone that needs help and help them! God has given us resources to help the poor! Teach them what Jesus said so that they can come up out of poverty and help others in poverty dependent not on government but upon God! Jesus teachings have led to capitalism and lifting millions out of poverty! Darwinism or Marxism a socialist ideology has led to poverty for millions of people around the globe! The anti-Christ ideologies lead to poverty, sickness, disease and death and we have a historical record that supports the destructive ways of socialism and now being promoted from the White House to the school classrooms across America! The teachings of Jesus will counter the atheistic ideologies of the political left! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Biden & Bicycles!

We hope Joe is not hurt! Really! However I would suggest to him and only because of his age that he would retire the bicycle and begin to ride a tricycle! This would reduce his risk for injury and protect our president from harm!

We are Moving!

We are moving as soon as I win the lottery! Where to? Las Vegas! Why? To start a new ministry named: Bet on Jesus Only Ministries!

Organizations without God! Mark 3:5-6

“And when Jesus had looked around about on them with anger, being grieved at the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man. Stretch forth thine hand, And he stretched it out; and his hand was restored whole as the other. And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took council with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him.” Commentary: The Herodians were a political organization following King Herod and the Pharisees were a religious organization wishing to restore the Kingdom of David. They were enemies of each other yet when it came to Jesus they got together for the plot to kill him! Enemies become friends in the Kingdom of Darkness to persecute the righteous! Jesus had his own organization here on earth that started with the twelve disciples! Did he have problems with them? Who is going to be the greatest in the Kingdom of God? Me? How about Judas? I will make money off this organization and then betray their leader and just sink it all! If I do not get my way I will go out and shoot some people! Then I will kill myself and get even with you! If I do not get my way I will divorce you! The hell with the children! If my party does not win then I will kill steal and destroy cities across America! I will threaten people in authority to bully them to my way of thinking! Jesus said to forgive your enemies! This was revolutionary thinking to the natural fallen nature of men! Revenge! Get even! Jesus did good on the Sabbath Day! We are to overcome evil with good! Have you ever been opposed for doing good? Like promoting Jesus and the Gospel the good news? If not you have not lived very long on planet earth! It could be a family situation where one member tries to plot against another member trying to recruit other family to their side! Divisions galore! So what is the source of unity? Sacrifice just like Jesus did for you! Not like Satan who sacrifices others for himself but sacrificing self for others! Satan says just join our side and you will win! Sacrifice enough of my enemies and you will have a high political position in hell! Jesus said love your enemies! Jesus asked was the Sabbath made for man or man for the Sabbath? Was the earth created by God for man or was the man for the earth? If man for the earth then you will embrace the Green New Deal! Them you will embrace Darwinism! Every ideology that opposes God! The resources of the earth, oil, gas, water are more important than man himself? To with hold the resources of earth to bring suffering to man? To sacrifice man for my crazy ideology? It is an old story with a bad ending! Jesus said they will persecute you because of me as they did the Prophets! Jesus just kept on doing good before and after the Cross! He is coming back for you! Are you ready to take up your Cross and follow him? James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Where is Your Citizenship? Philippians 3:20-21

“For our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look up for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” Commentary: When Christ subdues our sin over our body we are released from the bondage of evil and then are able to live our life for God! We have a new master replacing Satan master of death and hell. Then while here on earth we live in heaven even though hell is all around us! It is like a plague that kills millions of people yet as the Jews in Egypt the plague passes on over you! It does not come to your house! You are reserved for righteousness because you have submitted yourself to the righteous God creator of heaven and earth! You do not evolve as the big Darwin lie says but you are a miracle duplicating creation itself! You have rejected your own works but have embraced the substitutional death and resurrection from the Cross for my sin! Jesus paid the price for our citizenship in heaven! He paid the price on the battlefield between good and evil with his life for you! You are no longer an illegal immigrant trying to get to heaven your way trying to climb up another way based on your works! Christ satisfied the law of sin and death for me! Only God the perfect sacrifice could do this! I saw a funny political ad on television yesterday! This man said in the ad I have committed many crimes but I am not a criminal? That is like a duck saying I quack but I am not a duck? We are only good because God makes us good! We are bad when we reject his sacrificial love for our sin! Then our own efforts only produce death! Part of our heaven on earth is God subduing our enemies! We forgive our enemies as God has done for us! Yes he has reserved us and preserved us for heaven while down here on earth living for him in the here and now! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Food or Fuel? Go Brandon Go!

The Biden Administration is screwing us up again! This time with ethanol production! He wants to increase ethanol in our gasolines! This man does not think ahead? Ethanol is made out of food that is corn grains! With the Ukraine war wheat supplies are locked up by Russia in the Ukraine. Ukraine supplies about 20 percent of wheat to the world! We use corn to feed our cattle and livestock including chickens, turkeys and other livestock meats! Unless you preserve our grain supplies for human consumption you will create more shortages in food production! If you increase ethanol supplies into gasoline there are problems that come with that. Right now most ethanol added to gasoline is about ten percent. If you increase above ten percent then bad things can happen to your engine with too much ethanol! Well what about the flex fuel engines? That is the E-85 engines? I owned one back in the 1990’s! A Dodge Caravan. In order to use E-85 according to my owners manual I would have to go to the Dodge Dealer and get a special engine oil from them to put in my engine or the ethanol would destroy my engine! Ethanol absorbs water! When it comes to cold weather starting ethanol presents many problems! Ethanol requires 30 percent more fuel to get the same gasoline mileage! If you have a gasoline engine that gets 10 miles per gallon and you put ethanol in your tank now you will only get 7 miles per gallon! So when you smile and see E-85 is a little lower in price than regular gas then do the math and add 30 percent to the price listed on the pump and then that would be the real price you are paying! I had a friend years ago who was well to do and she bragged about her new E-85 vehicle she had just purchased! So she went out and filled her tank with E-85! Then she had to call a tow truck and hauled it back to the dealer! She told me the dealer told her to use E-85 only in an emergency where regular motor fuel was not available! Ethanol is corrosive to your fuel systems and will absorb a ton of water! When any politician offers you an easy solution read the fine print! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com