Be Yourself!

Do not be afraid of being unique! It is like being afraid of your best self! Donald Trump Commentary: He is so right! Identity politics has destroyed more lives than you can count! Identity politics is about being someone else rather than being yourself! If you are male you should be female! Transgenders! If you are a man stay away from women! Homosexuals! If you are white you should have been black! If you are straight haired you should have had curls! If you are a woman you should have been a man! The whole culture runs around trying to be somebody else rather than developing who they are! This is all about an attack on creation and the God who made us! These are Darwinists attacking God and his creation! It is slapping God in the face and saying I do not like me and how you created me! I reject my gender, race and my God! Identify with the God who made you! He will bring the best out of you because no one knows you better than your designer! We were created in the Image of God! Identity politics tries to erase this Image! You are unique because God made you unique! Your best is his best! He will bring out the best in you but remember not everyone will accept you at your best! If God does the rest do not matter! This is the Spirit of America and what has made her great! Only God can release your full potential! Man will try to minimize you! Be your best for who you are and the world will benefit from you! James & Hamsa Sasse.