Your Worst Moment in this Life?

Do not let your worst moment in life define you! Martha wrote Jesus off when he missed being with Lazarus when he was sick and then Lazarus died! Martha said Jesus if you only would have been here he would not have died! You failed me Jesus! Then Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead! Statistics say any business owner will fail three times before success comes! Edison failed 1000 times at experiments before he invented the light bulb! How many NFL players get cut from several teams before becoming a champion? The crowds mocked Jesus hanging on the Cross trying to define him in his worst moment! Our sin and my sin is the worst moment in my life but it led me to the Cross! When I suffer I think of the Cross! Then to the third day after the Cross when he was raised from the dead! Died and rose again for you! Your worst moment when given to Christ will become your best moment! The world will persecute you and mock you for following Jesus but your best moment is yet to come! Christ will snatch a victory for you out of the jaws of defeat! Those that reject Christ become famous for snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory! By God’s grace they will out of there worst moment will be to cast into the loving arms of Jesus! Pastor Steven Furtick

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