What Would Make Me Lukewarm Towards God? Revelation 3:16

Commentary: WOW! Jesus is getting on the church at Laodicea! Jesus said you make me vomit! Usually most people are either red hot or ice cold towards Jesus! However in the church is where you can find lukewarm people! Why? This is what religion can do! Everything becomes routine! No excitement towards God! No anticipation or expectation! My pastor prays for me! He reads my Bible and interprets for me! No personal relationship with Christ! If things go wrong they blame the pastor! In the next verse 17 Jesus goes into details! This group of people in this church were in love not with God but their money! They worshiped it! They were financially rich but spiritually poor! They trust their money that will perish with them! Remember what Jesus told the rich young ruler? Sell all you have and give to the poor and come follow me! He could not do it! Money owned him! Remember Jesus two greatest Commandments? Love God and people! If you love money more than God you will abuse people! You will not lead them to the Kingdom! Neither will you go there! In verse 18 Jesus tells them they are blind! No eternal perspective and no vision from God! Any wealth left when I die will witness against me! Jesus goes on in verse 19 and tells us I rebuke you because I love you! Jesus promises in verse 21 that if you overcome your lust for money I will let you be seated with me in my Kingdom! This warning from Jesus also applies to those in ministry! If you are in the ministry for money get out right now! Resign today! Judas was in ministry next to Jesus yet in love with money! Money had him! Money owned him! Money was his idol! Does any sin have you more than Jesus? What do you think about all day long? How to use resources to reach the lost or how to build bigger barns to store your goods that will perish? We all have to recognize we need Jesus to lead us to heaven and to defeat the distractions along the way! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

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