The Samaritan Woman & Worship! John 4:24

“God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Commentary: The Samaritan woman was not exactly the good Samaritan for Jesus told her at Jacob’s well all that she had ever done! Including her 5 previous husbands and the guy she was living with who was not her husband! She came out to fetch water in the heat of the day which is not normal she trying to avoid social contact! After Jesus revelation of her entire past she told Jesus I perceive you are a prophet? Jesus told her if you drink of this water from this well you will thirst again but I will give you living water where you will never thirst again! Then she asked Jesus are you better than Jacob who gave us this well? Should we not worship in Jerusalem where the Temple is? Jesus was really telling her the center of our worship is not so much about a physical location but God living in us! I am the truth! I am the way! The Spirit of God is manifested through me! I am God in the flesh incarnated so that you can see God in the flesh! The Spirit putting on flesh as a sacrifice for your sin! She became an evangelist and went back to her village and told everyone she met a prophet who told her everything she had ever done! You cannot hide your sin from Jesus! He knows everything about you! The good the bad and the ugly! Yet he loves us and paid the price for all of our ugliness! Even our best good cannot save us! This woman probably made hundreds of trips to this well in the heat of the day to hide her shame yet when Jesus showed up at the well and gave her living water she could worship God in Spirit and in truth! The word “spirit” translates like the wind that is invisible yet powerful to either save or destroy! To Moses his wind blew back across the Red Sea and made a path of escape on dry ground! Then God stopped the wind and buried almost all the Egyptian army! The breath or Spirit of God created the universe! When you were born you took a breath of life! At Pentecost a mighty rushing wind blew across the 120 disciples waiting for the Holy Spirit as Jesus had promised them just before his ascension! The invisible makes the visible possible! At Creation his wind blew upon the waters and formed life! The word “Truth” means the unveiling of reality! The reality as related to appearance! Truth as opposed to falsehood and deceptions! The incarnated God becoming flesh! Again Jesus said I am the truth! No one can come to the Father but by me! Spirit and Truth! Two sides of the same coin! Do not bet your money on this world you will lose but trust the one the Christ who is the total expression of the living God! Who expressed his love for you by sacrificing his life for your sin! Worship Christ for only he is worthy of our worship! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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