The Decapitated Muslims!

These are mindless people who have a disconnect between their mind’s and their bodies! Why do they choose butchery over joining the civilized world? Remember John the Baptist who was beheaded? Jesus said in the Kingdom of God he would be the least! Who can be saved? Jesus said all things are possible with God! John the Baptist was beheaded Centuries before Islam ever came along! Satan is driving people to do these barbaric acts! Why? No religion can ever give cover from God for murder! Wickedness is intentionally trying to hurt someone! In the Bible it says human beings were created in the Image of God! It is not our physical appearance (Thank God), that we share a likeness with our Creator. It is through our minds that God shares His wisdom, intuition and His sense of Holiness! Our heads control the rest of our body. Our minds receive, interpret and act upon messages. Who is our messenger? God or Satan? Our minds oversee all our actions whether voluntary or involuntary. The head and body linked together define our spiritual identity. Our body can follow the head or the mind can follow the body! We have to have the mind of Christ! The path we follow is determined by the mind! The Bible says as the mind thinketh so is he. Our soul is eternal and no physical act of violence can separate us from the Love of God! Those who carry out wicked acts in the name of God are blind and deceived and risk eternal separation from God unless they repent through Jesus Christ for their wickedness! If you love God you love people! God died for you so you trying to die yourself for God is useless and a waste of your life and other lives and an eternity separated from God! Are you going to kill everyone in Heaven? Your Heaven is a hell created by your actions! Self-worship is you trying to do for God what God has already done for you! God’s Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

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