Deaf to the Truth?

1 John 4:6 “We are of God: he that [knoweth] God [heareth] us; he that is not of God knoweth not us. Hereby know we the Spirit of truth, and the Spirit of [error].” Commentary: Let us examine the four bracketed Greek words in this passage of scripture. The first word is “knoweth.” How do we know God? Jesus said we must be born again! Not to just know about God but to personally know him! Knoweth means to know him by relationship like a man knowing his wife! Knowing with intuition! I know when my wife loves me and I know when my wife is mad at me! To perceive and understand and distinguish the character of God from all others! Our next word is “heareth.” In the Greek it means to hear with the ear of the mind! My biggest problem in school was I heard my teachers but my mind was somewhere else! Did you ever have this problem? During school I would think about what I was going to do when I got off the school bus back to the farm? My pet duck and my dog jigs would be patiently waiting for me at the end of the lane then walking back with me to the house! Jigs would wag his tail and so did my duck! School was a distraction for me! Then I would get my rifle and me and jigs would go rabbit hunting! Then I would feed my duck who ate out of my hands and take him for a swim in our cattle watering tank. I also had to feed my pet pigeons who lived in our smoke house where we cured sausage. You know you can go to church but your mind can be somewhere else. Then the Pastor wonders why his congregation is so dense? Unless we hear with our minds you will learn nothing! As Sergeant Schultz used to say on Hogan’s Hero’s, “I know nothing!” Our next word is “truth.” It is unveiled in a person! Truth is the unveiled reality lying at the basis of and agreeing with appearance of that reality! If you never agree with Christ and the Gospel you will never experience truth! Our last word is “error.” From the Greek word we get out English word fraudulent! You know like fraudulent elections! To reject the truth means by deceptions and lies about Christ you become a fraud! You will either follow the Spirit of truth or the Spirit of error! Do you reject the error or fraud of Darwin, Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Atheism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Secularism, Homosexualism, Lesbianism, Transsexualism, Gay marriage, Nazi, Fascism, Abortion, Cancel culture, Global warming and the Spirits of Anti-Christ? If you accept any of these fraudulent ideologies then you become a fraud and the truth is not in you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Speaking the Truth!

Ephesians 4:5 Commentary: “Speaking the Truth”, are three English words used to express one Greek word. It means to express the actual truth in the reality of God’s love! Not a counterfeit love where with words we appear to love but the real love of God! There are two kinds of money. Real and counterfeit! One has value and the other worthless! The worthless Satan tries to pass himself off to you as real! Deception! The counterfeit will fool a lot of people but not the government who made the money! Our creator created love and expressed it to us here on earth! However his love and his Christ existed before time! Satan tries to counterfeit God’s love! He will give you a deceptive appearance like he cares for you yet wants to destroy you and separate you from the love of God! My Bible says anyone who tries to climb up to God in anyway except through Christ is a thief and a liar! Only Christ the Son of God can lead you to God! God sacrificed himself for your gain! Satan and his followers will try to sacrifice you for their gain! You are expendable to Satan! Satan’s only perceived gain is to drag you away from the love of God! So you can accompany him in hell! All ideologies are either based on truth or a lie! Jesus said i am the truth! The reality of truth is base in the God/man Christ! The spirit that dwells in you depends on who you are following! Life or death! Light or darkness! Love or hate! Redemption or judgment! Jesus said to pick up your Cross and follow me! The Cross represents suffering and sacrifice! Go and suffer and sacrifice yourself so others might understand the love of God! To comprehend the truth! Be the suffering servant to go to those that have no hope! God’s love was expressed in creation for you and then to a Cross! Your debt for your sin has been paid for! Truth and love were nailed to a Cross! Two things happen to you when your read your Bible! You discern the truth and then you can detect the counterfeit! Why is the Bible the number one best seller book in all of history yet it is the most banned book in all of history? Why? Because it is truth! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Politicians Not Telling You This!

On the subject of ventilators eighty percent that go on them die! These are the facts! Eight out of ten or eighty out of a hundred or eight hundred out of a thousand people die! The politicians talk as though these devices are our way out of this! If the truth were known I believe more people would take the social distancing and washing hands often more seriously! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Spirit + Truth = Worship

John 4:24: “God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Commentary: Jesus says God is a spirit! Can we find God in a bottle? The word “Spirit”, in the Greek means an invisible wind or breath of God. God created this world with his breath. By the words he spoke through his breath. Some people bless God through their breath and some people curse God through their breath! Though our breath is the invisible part of man yet our character is determined by the words that come out of our mouth! Remember at Pentecost the Holy Spirit came as a mighty rushing wind! It was the wind that rolled back the Red Sea! Blessings or cursing come through our breath!  What spirit resides in man is revealed by his words! Since we are created in the Image of God we have breath like God! By our breath we either have the spirit of God or the spirit of Satan! Either a God like spirit or an evil spirit! Satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden with his breath! Now let us look at the other side of the equation. Let us look at the word “Truth” in the Greek. Remember what Jesus said in the Book of John? Jesus said my words are truth implying not all words are truth! If you want examples of lies just listen to the political debates! Here is a good definition of truth. Truth means the unveiled reality agreeing with the appearance! The reality pertaining to the appearance! The real deal! Transparency! No hidden agenda! No secrets! No sin! No double talk! No deception! Only truth! The Spirit of God took on flesh in the incarnation of his Son Jesus Christ who is truth! Remember when Jesus was put on the Cross and after he died on the Cross?  Many things happened! The veil in the Temple was split in two! Now transparency between God and man! No masks! The barrier of sin defeated! No hiding from God as in the Garden! God taking our sin upon himself! Dying for our sin! God sacrificing himself for our sin! His blood washing us white as snow! If we are to follow Christ then we sacrifice ourselves for others! People following Satan sacrifice others for themselves! With Satan you become the sacrifice! Then murder, stealing and killing sacrificing others for their gain! God is not that way! He gave himself for you! The right relationship in marriage is both sacrificing themselves for each other and together sacrificing themselves for God as God has sacrificed for them! Our sacrifices cannot save us but only God’s sacrifice! However sacrificing for others is God like! The Kingdom of God is a sacrificial system! So is the Kingdom of Satan but in opposite ways! Want to improve your marriage? Increase your sacrifices for your spouse! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Challenge Lies with Truth!

Luke 1:38 “And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy spoken word, and the Angel departed from her.” Comment: The word “Rhema”, Strong’s #4487, is the spoken word! However this spoken word was the written word! Why is this important? God spoke the word before it was written! God spoke the worlds into existence! Then his spoken words were recorded and written down. God carved with his fingers into the stone tablets and became written yet he first spoke the words to Moses! What Gabriel was telling or speaking to Mary was already written down in the Old Testament! When and where the Messiah was to be born! Hundreds of years before the event! However not until the written word was spoken by Gabriel was the power released for a miracle! Jesus challenged Satan by saying it is written! When he spoke the written word Satan was defeated! Read your Bible aloud! Speak his word! Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! How shall we hear without a preacher? Speak his words from your lips! The written word is like potential energy! When you speak the written word it becomes kinetic energy! It accomplishes miracles! Satan told Adam and Eve that God was a liar! They kept quiet and took the forbidden fruit! When you pray do it aloud! Unspoken requests are no requests! Speaking the word of God has power! Silence is submission to Satan! Our political battles are a war of words! Our words will either condemn us or save us! The battle between good and evil involves words! Trump punches back with words! The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword! Dividing truth from lies! They bring life to the soul and redemption to the lost! Oppose the lies of homosexuality, transgenderism, lesbianism, gay marriage, abortion, gender change with the word of God! Know the written word that opposes this sin and then speak those words out from your lips! If the only convert you get is yourself you have just won the battle! James and Hamsa Sasse.