Still the Party of Slavery!

Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated! Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood. Comment: Thirty five percent of all abortions are done on African American women yet they represent only six percent of the total population here in America! Of the 60 million abortions done since 1973 twenty million were performed on African American women! Some people may sound racist in their speech but those involved in the murder of 20 million black babies would truly define racism! The Democratic Party continues to be the party of slavery and leads on racism here in America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Planned Parenthood Abortion Founder!

” As Hitler came to power in Germany, Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger unveiled her similar version for America. Her “Plan for World Peace”, called for a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of the population whose progeny is already tainted, whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transferred to offspring. Sanger’s “Plan for World Peace”, rivaled Hitler’s “Final Solution” in it’s scope! She spoke at a Ku Klux Klan gathering in 1926. She used the n-word to refer to a black man! ” Source: The American Spectator, Emmett Tyrrell Jr.  Comment: There is a more important point that historians sometimes miss! What did Margaret Sanger, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito all have in common? They were all Darwinists! They were atheists based upon the pseudo science of Evolution! Racial discrimination and genocide is alive and well still in the Democratic Party even today! The same party of slavery, Jim Crow laws and other destructions of our American culture! It is interesting that African American women only make up six percent of the American population yet abortions are done on thirty five percent of this population? Paid for with your tax dollars! Slavery is still alive and well in the Democratic Party yet it is beyond reason why the African American population supports Democrats? Stranger than fiction! James and Hamsa Sasse.