New Song! Revelation 14:3

They sung a new song! The word new in the Greek means new in quality! Before I got saved and came to Christ church was just about singing a song! They were all old songs to me! To me it was just a ritual to fill up a one hour Sunday morning service! Get it over with and move on! After salvation all these old songs became new to me? Now these words had power and authority! The word song in the Greek means a confession! Praise and confession! Before I got saved confession to others about God was a problem! I intentionally never shared anything about God to others! I despised others who did! After Salvation it was like I was born again! With all my energy and being I used to confess my Christ to others! It was not a case of pride but to show case my God and what he had done for me! In this verse we have one hundred and forty four thousand Jewish Evangelists raised up in the earth during the seven year Tribulation period! They were martyred and now in this scene they are in Heaven! The four beasts and the twenty four elders around the Throne of God witnessed these Evangelists singing a new song! No one could learn this song! It was a special song composed by them to honor the King! Our Heavenly praise will not be the same as our earthly praise! Why? Because we will have been raised from the dead! No earthly experience will ever match this! The word redeemed used here means bought with a price! Jesus paid the price for our sin to deliver us from it! We have not fully comprehended our Salvation yet! When we are raised from the dead we will have new songs for the Savior! As a young man Christ delivered me off my death bed! My passion is based upon my experience! I am not in competition with anyone else and understand some people even have more passion to Christ than I do! I just demonstrate my thankfulness for what he has done for me! God loves the whole world! Intimacy with God involves songs and prayers that are not public! Communication that is reserved for you and Christ alone! James and Hamsa Sasse.