Jesus on Divorce! Matthew 19:9

“And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away or divorce his wife except it be for fornication (adultery): and shall marry another, commits adultery and whosoever marries her commits adultery.” Commentary: Jesus responded to the question the Pharisees or religious rulers used to try to trick Jesus into some doctrinal error! They asked Jesus is it lawful to divorce a wife for any reason? Jesus replied lawful for only one reason! Adultery which is the 7th Commandment! Marriage is sacred to God! It is the foundation for civilization! Jesus goes on to remind us that God created male and female! Not male and male or female and female but male and female! The gender war is a war on God! Then the two male and female are joined together in marriage and let no man separate! Then they become one producing children to carry on the next generation! Then Jesus called the little children forward to pray for them! The disciples rebuked him but Jesus said such are they represented the Kingdom of God! There is a war on children today and it is called abortion! There is a war on marriage through divorce, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism all opposing God’s creation and the organized system of the Kingdom of God to prosper his people! There is a war on the church! The church is called the bride of Christ where the two become one! The worst divorce is being divorced from God and his Christ! Jesus forgave the woman caught in the act of adultery! He has forgiven you also! To reject his forgiveness is the only sin that will send you to hell! He took your judgment for sin on the Cross! To reject Christ will not make him your savior but your judge! Anyone who falls into the unpardonable sin makes that decision in rebellion against the God who is creator of heaven and earth! Creator of you! Jesus said pure religion is to take care of the widows and orphans! You may consider adopting some children from Ukraine or marrying a widow from Ukraine! My marriage to a widow and orphans from India 48 years ago has blessed me beyond measure! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Churchill on Taliban! 1897

Winston Churchill was a young 23 year old journalist attached to the British Army fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan in 1897. He wrote a book about his experiences there and concluded the only way these people could ever advance as a civilized group of people is that they would have to abandon Islam! How right he was! However our leaders here in America seem to be ignorant of Islam and the ideology represented in the Quran and the other Muslim sources! Christianity and Islam are at opposite poles in ideology! According to the Quran there is only one way a Muslim can get to heaven! He must be a martyr for God! This explains the suicide bombings and the airliners flown into the twin towers on 9-11, 2001. Just the opposite ideology in Christianity where we believe God died for our sins through his Son Jesus Christ on the Cross some 2000 years ago! So the Muslim tries to do God’s job for him rejecting Christ which results in them trying to make themselves God! This results in death and destruction! Muslims do not believe they are sinners therefore no need of a Savior! All have sinned and come short of the glory of God is what my Bible says! So when Christ took your sin upon himself this enables you to be a productive member of any society enabling you to live your life in the image of God in love blessing people and your family! Since many in our political system have rejected Christ only darkness can follow their decisions! You can choose light or darkness! Which is it for you? James & Hamsa Sasse.

Watchman on the Wall! Jude 1:25

“To the only [wise] God our [Savior], be glory and majesty, [dominion] and [power], both now and [ever]. Amen. Commentary: So let us look at a few Greek words and gain a little perspective on the importance of this verse for today and forever! So the word ‘wise’ means something a little different than we might think! Who is wiser than God? Than Christ? The word used here means observing his creation from the vantage point high up like a watchman on a wall! That is he does not miss anything! He observes men their motives and actions! He sees everything! Nothing escapes his eyes! Even the thoughts of men cannot hide from him! He observes his creation because he created it! He owns it! It is his! He paid for it on a Cross! He observes men to see if they live according to his established will and purpose for their lives! Do they glorify God or reject him? Is God able to establish his purpose in them and through them? Or do they resist him? Dominion used here means strength and force with manifold power! Power with the capability to do anything! No human limitations! The word ‘ever’ means the duration and continuation of time! Amen means ‘so be it’. If you were God and created all that there is would you not be a watchman on the wall? So concerned about the direction of man that you had to sacrifice yourself for them? True love is sacrificial! Not what I can get but what I can give! Jesus demonstrated his care for us on a Cross! A shepherd that gave his life for the sheep! He demonstrated his love for us! He has the authority and power to either condemn you to hell or send you to heaven to be with him forever! However you give him this power determined by your choice either to receive him as Savior or reject him! Jesus separates the sheep from the wolves! They are separated while we are living our lives right down here on earth! He will not put the wolves and the sheep in the same pasture! Jesus is the watchmen looking for you! Are you looking for Jesus? James & Hamsa Sasse.

Marxism Marching on in America!

Six things Marx wanted to abolish: 1. Private property-high taxes, government debt. 2. The family-divorce, abortion, gay marriage. 3. Individuality-Cancel culture & Freedom of speech. 4. External truths- attacks on Christianity & Judaism. 5. Nations- Open borders, sanctuary cities, illegal immigrants, ANTIFA, BLM. Source: Foundation for Economic Education