Public Service Bulletin!

The FDA has identified 75 toxic hand sanitizers on the market here in America! They all contain Methanol! This chemical is sometimes called wood alcohol. Most of these products on the market are made in Mexico! So much for trade? I hope these masks from China are safe? I use a cotton cloth tied around my face and head! However that is up to you! Do not jog with a mask! Reports of people with collapsed lungs! This is why I do not expect an NFL season this year! I see some people wearing masks driving down the highway? Not necessary just when you get around public! If you wear these masks too long and strain your lungs you can hyper ventilate! Wisdom is correct application of knowledge! Check the ingredients of your hand sanitizers! If they contain Methanol make bug spray out of them! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Public Service Bulletin!

Researchers say a certain spectrum of ultraviolet light–called far UVC–easily kills airborne flu viruses while posing no risk to people. It could offer a new, inexpensive way to eliminate airborne flu viruses in public places such as hospitals, airports, schools, doctor offices and hospitals.