Why is This Not Preached? John 3:16

Why is the unpardonable sin not preached? So what is the unpardonable sin spoken by Jesus in Matthew 12:31-32? We discussed this in a previous post. When you take all the meanings of the word blasphemy in the Greek New Testament and the Hebrew Old Testament words you are prompted to a decision and answer for the question. Jesus can pardon every sin except one sin! Jesus cannot pardon you from the sin of rejecting Him as Savior! In fact according to the Bible if you reject Him He will judge you at the last day! If a worldly judge offers you a pardon for a crime such as murder will you not take the pardon? Blasphemy is taking the Son of God Jesus Christ at His Judgment Seat and spitting in His face! Blasphemy is cursing His name here on earth and mocking Him telling God His Father that He is a liar and His sacrifice for you is rejected! When we understand this truth other truth’s in the Bible become even more important! You hear from the pulpits often that God can forgive any sin! However this is not accurate! The only sin He cannot pardon is the rejection of the Judge of all the world! Savior or Judge? The choice is yours! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com