From Bells to Bullets?

Between 1939-1945 about 175 thousand church bells were confiscated across Europe by the Socialist Nazi Germany! They were confiscated and collected at a point in Hamburg Germany known as the Glockenfriedhofe or the bell cemetery. Some 150 thousand were delivered to foundries and melted down to make shell casings and armaments. Benito Mussolini dictator of Italy part of the Axis WWII powers forged an agreement with the Pope to provide church bells for him in the war effort which most were shipped to Germany for processing. Socialism will always turn the instruments of God into instruments of war! Socialism in history as of today has about a casualty rate of about 100 million people! Now America is going to try it? Today a Protestant Reverend living in Cologne Germany recently told the German Broadcasting Service, Deutsche Welle, “the silence of the bells makes it clear something has fallen apart.” Did you know there is a Bible verse on our Liberty Bell located in Philadelphia Pennsylvania? It is Leviticus 25:10; “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” As a child growing up in Nebraska on a farm back in the 1950’s on Sunday morning I used to hear those church bells ring across the communities of Nebraska! Some would ring at nine some ten and some at eleven o’clock! Grandma! Grandma do you hear the bells? Yes Jimmy we have to get ready for Sunday school! Jimmy why do the bells ring? Time for church grandma! Yes Jimmy but there is another reason? We all have clocks so why ring a bell? Grandma because some people cannot afford a clock they are too poor! Jimmy the ringing of the bells is proclaiming liberty across America! What is liberty grandma? Jimmy it means the sacrifice God has provided for us through his Son is acceptable to God for us on the Cross for our sin! Jesus paid our price for our wrongs or sin! That is what liberty is all about Jimmy! Forgiveness for our wrongs or sins against God and man! Bells are first mentioned in your Bible in Exodus 28:31-35. Aaron the High Priest had them on his robe and as he walked in the presence of God offering the sacrifice for the sins of the people the people knew if they continued to hear the bells ring they knew the sacrifice was acceptable! If not Arron had a rope tied around his ankle where the people could drag his dead body out of the Holy of Holies if the sacrifice was not enough to atone for the sins of the people! Remember Cain and Abel? When the sacrifice of Cain was not enough he murdered Abel his brother! So I said all that to say this! What has happened to the ringing sounds of liberty across America with ringing bells proclaiming liberty for all? Why have the bells gone silent? When a culture any culture rejects the sacrifice of Christ that culture is doomed for destruction! The bells are made into bullets with violence and death throughout our major cities! Not safe to walk down the streets in America anymore! Plagues upon our land! Drought! Civil war with riots, burning and looting! Perhaps we need to hang up the church bells back up into those towers? Our American Revolution started in a church tower at Concord and the first shots were fired on the church grounds that began the Revolution! Does the church need to get revolutionary and take back America or do we let it slip away with our liberties into the abyss of Marxist Socialism stealing our liberty away and our nation? James & Hamsa Sasse.

Hindu Temple

The year was 1987. We were nearing the completion of our 3 year commission to India by the Korean Church. We needed to sell our vehicle in preparation for returning to the United States. The way you sell things in India is just put the word out amoung the local villagers! News travels fast in these remote areas. A young man named Benny told me this Hindu Priest was wanting to purchase my vehicle and if I would come up to the Temple he would pay me. Local Pastor’s in India warned me never to accept invitations to Hindu Temples! So I refused many invites by these Hindu Priests. So I told Benny no! Benny told me this is different. He only wants to buy your vehicle. It is simply buisness. So I decided to go. So Benny got in my vehicle with me and we made the steep pull up the mountain into the remote tribal area. As we approached the front entrance of this big Hindu Temple I could smell the sweet fragrance of incense sticks burning in the Temple. We were greeted at the front entrance by two beautiful young girls! They could have even been teen agers. One girl went to my left side and the other to my right side. They put one hand into my hand and the other on my forearm and escorted me into the Temple. I felt like the chosen King on prom night back in high school! With their collective beauty,perfumes and incense burning in the Temple I began to feel sedated! I began to feel sorry for the folks back home in America! Then the thought hit me. Where is Benny? As I was escoted deeper into this Temple some things began to trouble me? The doors into the rooms and halls had iron gates on them much like a jail cell? There seemed to be alot of girls in this Temple? Some not modestly dressed? Then I walked by this European looking guy sitting on the floor with his head shaved! This young man was like staring into space. His eyes were glassy and his soul looked empty? I glanced into one room as I walked by and there were these 3 iron stakes anchored into the cement with leather straps tied on them? I asked one of my escorts where we were going? I cannot completely descibe the foreboding feelings I had at this time? The girls told me they were taking me to the guest room where the Hindu Priest will give me the money for the vehicle. Even though I wanted to pull away and get out of there I was like mesmerized by the spiritual atmosphere there! It was like something was taking control of me? Much like the cobra spitting his venom into the air in a room to disable his victims! The girls finally took me into this room and asked me to sit down in the chair. The girls pulled the curtain over the door and left the room. This room only had one chair in the middle of the room and I was sitting on it? No pictures on the walls and only one door to exit the room. No windows either? I began to have more concerns! I got up out of my chair moved the curtain back but the iron gate was locked behind the curtain! No time to panic but I did begin to sweat! I went back to my chair. Where was Benny? Suddenly two different girls came from behind the curtain! They were as pretty and young as the first two but were not modestly dressed? They wore short grass skirts with their tops adequately displayed chanting and dancing around me in my chair? They had ankle chains on their legs with bells attached so when they danced the bells would jingle! They had tambourines they were beating. My natural defences began to further abate. My thoughts were now who cares where Benny is! As the girls would dance, chant and sway their bodies around me with the beat to the music they began to make eye contact with me. They would fix their eyes on my eyes and then shift their eyes rapidly left to right and then right to left. I began to feel dizzy! This went on for about 10 or 15 minutes. I really lost track of time? I was now moving into a deeper hypnotic state! Then the girls abruptly left the room! I wanted to get out but now unable to even get out of my chair? I was like unable to respond to my natural senses? I would later learn the European looking guy was made a eunuch in the Temple along with some other fellows there. Now there was an ominous quiet period while I was waiting for the next act! Suddenly these huge drums began to beat? Then I began to hear this male voice chanting in the distance. This voice began to get louder as this man got closer to me! I could also hear a tambourine beating. Suddenly this huge man broke through the door curtain! He must have weighed 300 pounds and looked like a sumo wrestler! He was bare chested with bright colors were painted all over him! He like the girls were dancing,chanting, banging his tambourine and trying to focus his eyes on mine. He had a full beard and long hair. He looked like a bat out of hell! The girls softened me up and this guy was going to take me down! Then about a dozen girls entered the room and joined the high priest in their chants and dances! Yes the choir was now in place! His cheer leaders! Then behind the girls stood Benny! Betrayal at its best! I cried out to Jesus and called on His Blood to break this demonic spell! Suddenly this spirit of control over me was broken! Yes in the twinkling of an eye satan’s spell over me was broken! The priest with his harem stopped and left the room! I got up out of my chair left the room and temple and drove my vehicle back to Yercaud. I sold my vehicle in Madras and we left India for the United States! These Hindu Priests make prostitutes out of the women and eunuches out of the men! Stay out of the Hindu Temples! James Sasse.