An orthodox Jewish girl’s elementary school in London has failed a government inspection for the third time because it refuses to teach students ages 3-8 about homosexuality and gender reassignment! Back 60 years ago I never did my assignments in school but I thank God I was born in a generation where your local school did not try to reassign your gender! Social engineering here in America in the State supported public schools has the same problem! Our Constitution does not allow the State to interfere with private schools! Jewish schools are going to be the best and brightest when it comes to teaching the sciences, math, language and high moral standards! Our public schools are failing in America and the students sit around wandering what gender they are? What a perfect plan for failure! These governments around the world are pushing the same global agenda! A one world government! The sooner these governments all fail the sooner you will have the one world government! Sodom and Gomorrah is State sponsored in preparations for the Anti-Christ! The Anti-Christ will be gay! Christians are preparing for Christ and the Kingdom of God! We have two Kingdoms with opposite outcomes! Heaven and Hell. Let me present you one of many Scriptures from our Bible that support God’s position on this issue! 1 Corinthians 9-10 Greek Translation “Know you that the ungodly shall not be heir to the Kingdom of God. Do not be tricked, neither male prostitutes, idol worshipers, adulterers, nor men acting as women, not homosexuals, nor thieves, nor coveters, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor those that steal secretly, shall inherit the Kingdom of God.” Comment: We know the cure for this sin and explained in verse 11. Jesus Christ! A State sponsored sin is still a sin and those promoting or living these sins will not see God! James and Hamsa Sasse.