Praise! Psalm 119:7

Commentary: Hebrew meaning Strong’s # 3034. The first question we have to ask what are we praising God for? Some people praise God and some people curse God! Why? The clue lies in the definition of the word praise itself! The word by definition includes the element of the confession and acknowledgement of our sin! It is a declaration to God of our sin! The biggest enemy to confession is the first cause of all sin which is pride! It got Lucifer kicked out of heaven and was the first temptation to Eve in the Garden of Eden by Satan! Then our confession turns in thanksgiving to God for our deliverance! People who do not praise God do not want to recognize they are sinners! You will see this element in the religions of the world where they are all works based! Religion is works based! Earn your way to heaven! They deny the reality of their sin and the need for a savior! King David recognized his sin before God and praised God for his ability to deliver him from the sin! To deliver him from himself! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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