Out to Lunch?

It is not that uncle Joe is out to lunch it is a fact that someone else is always eating his lunch! It is inflation with high gas prices! High grocery prices! High interest! High everything! His Border Czar Kamala has a new name coined by the Illegal Immigrants! They call her the Queen of the South! That is Queen of our southern border! Is Joe president of America or president of Mexico, central America and South America? Is he president of China and Iran? President of Ukraine and Russia? None of these countries voted for him yet they get all the benefits? Looks like the only ones who did not vote for Joe here in America and get benefits are the criminals! Is Joe president of the World but not America! Is the one world government already here? The unborn babies are cheering now because someone ate his abortion lunch! If you have not figured it out elections matter! Life or death! We have an opportunity come November to eat Joe’s lunch only this time not by foreigners but by you an American voter! A legal American voter! Eat his lunch once and for all before you give him another opportunity to eat your lunch! Put icing on the cake come 2024 and put Trump back in office where America will again have the opportunity to be Great Again! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com

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