New IRS Agent Hire Requirements!

1. A fervent deep seated hatred for Christian conservatives! 2. A long Democrat voting history! 3. Five years of Karv Maga martial arts experience! 4. A martial arts level of fitness to perfect a choke hold on some unsuspecting tax payer! 5. Must derive pleasure from human suffering! 6. Comfortable with firing squad style executions! 7. Unable to think for yourself! 8. Ability to use force lightening preferred but not required! 9. Cheered for Agent Smith in “The Matrix.” 10. Must hate children! 11. Proficient in telling people off who tell you to mind your own business! 12. Passionate about auditing Etsy Moms selling crafts to try to make ends meet! 13. Fluent in German, goose stepping experience is a plus and be willing to wear arm bands and uniforms! 14. Comfortable at firing RPG’s at the horde of conservative activists with tax discrepancies! 15. Previous waterboarding experience! Ex-Gitmo guards receive a 10 point preference veterans only. 16. Pass a psychological exam to determine if you sympathize with the government while watching Jason Bourne movies! 17. Shoot first mentality towards tax payers and no math skills required! 18. Able to lie to Congress and take the 5th where necessary! Source: The Babylon Bee.

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