Is Genesis 1:1 Scientific?

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Commentary: So what does science say about this scripture written about 6 thousand years ago? Science today says the sun, moon, stars, earth and all the planets in our universe are the same age! Now there is a big controversy about how old our universe is depending on what carbon dating system you use but whatever measuring tool you use they all come up with the same age! God made the sciences as creator of all things! He has this figured out you just need to trust him and not follow the pseudo-sciences of Darwin that have created ideologies more destructive to planet earth than any global warming theory because Darwin murdered real people in his ideology theories of socialism/communism and the socialist states of Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito and the Russian socialist systems of government! Following your Bible leads to life not death! It leads to a capitalist system raising the world out of poverty! It will lead you to eternal life and a compass to recognize good and evil! To resist evil and promote good to not only save the planet but to save you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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