Hope & Change!

If you want to make enemies, try to change something! President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921). Commentary: Obama ran on hope and change then middle class America lost hope! Trump changed the top and hope came back to middle class America! He drained the swamp and challenged the deep state operatives intrenched in our government! They turned on him with moves to impeach him but failed! Democrats worked hard to change state election laws in swing states so fraud would be easy to do to swing an election! Courts have unconstitutionally intervened to change state election laws where our Constitution says only the States through the legislative process can change the election laws of their states! I believe the Supreme Court will rule that all lower court rulings to change State election laws is unconstitutional! We will see if that prevails? Trump has many enemies because he changed a system that favored the big guys and helped the little guys! He could not be bought off with foreign or domestic money influence! He even changed the 501c tax exemption laws through executive order so Pastors across America could once again after decades of first amendment suppression voice their support of political candidates! However with over six hundred thousand Pastors across America not one would speak out in support of Trump or Biden? It is hard to change a corrupt system! I would rather have a million enemies like Trump and do the right thing that join millions of operatives in a corrupt state! Jesus came to change us! How many billions of enemies does he have here on planet earth? How many over every generation? Jesus will sort this all out but when we all stand before him at the Judgment Seat of Christ where he will raise the dead then what will be your defense? Trump and Jesus has one friend for sure! That is me! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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