Heart Trouble?

1 John 3:20 “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.” Commentary: An interesting fact about our English language is that every word is borrowed from another language! Could be Latin, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish or a host of other languages! When we look at the New Testament our English words are translated from the Greek language! This is why a Greek-Hebrew Study Bible will expand your understanding of his Word! The word “heart” in the Greek is an all encompassing word! It means the inner man! This is inclusive of the thoughts, reasonings, understanding, will, judgment, designs, affections, love, hatred, fears, joy, sorrow, anger, intentions, motives and desires! Our heart is a storage unit of what transpires in our minds! So all of us most likely have heart trouble requiring medicine on a regular basis! Call on the Great Physician! Our thoughts and emotions affect our blood pressure! Our heart is a receptor of our thoughts! Remember Pharaoh had a hardening of his heart? Our heart will condemn us if are thoughts are wicked or criminal worthy of blame and are justly charged as madness! Satan is a cunning devil! He plants an evil thought into the minds of men then he turns around and blames or condemns men for carrying out the thought! This is how he gets his victims! He promotes ideologies that oppose the Word of God! He baits your trap with sin and temptations like a piece of cheese in the trap and then you take the bait! In the Garden of Eden it was just one fruit! God gave Adam and Eve all the fruit in the garden from every tree except one tree! What would you have done? If Satan had whispered in your ear God is a liar and he wants to with hold something good from you what would you have done? My parents want me home by 10PM they must want to destroy your fun? Now the good news is God is greater than our hearts! There is no sin in him! His thoughts are only good towards us! In fact God is so good he took your wicked thoughts and actions unto himself and took the punishment and judgment of death upon himself on a Cross of execution! He went to the gallows in your place! He took your plagues and pandemics caused by sin upon himself! He paid the penalty of the lies of the devil that you believed to be true! He took your evil ideologies whether political or religious upon himself to pave the road to forgiveness for your life! He Christ defeated Satan and the sin that so easily besets us! Since God is greater than our sin we can trust him with our sin! The accuser of the brethren has lost his power of condemnation over us! Those Darwinist that believe there is no God have no remedy for their sin! Unforgiven sin brings anger and eventually violence towards their fellow man! No repentance no redemption! God has given us a way of escape from ourselves yet men so foolish to carry their own burdens! Burdens are lifted at Calvary so the old hymn goes! The old hymns and their theology somehow stick with me while the newer songs even though they sound good yet do not? Maybe it is just me? James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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