Facts vs Facts!

The supreme function of reason is to show man some things are beyond reason! Blaise Pascal
Commentary: Your little son asks you why the sky is blue? Why does it rain? Why does our dog wag his tail? Why does our president fall down all the time? So what is the definition of reason? It means according to the Hebrew and Greek to accept something as fact! During the Vietnam war my government told me that agent orange would not hurt humans! They lied to me! The same government 60 years later told me this experimental vaccine for COVID would not hurt me? Some believed them but I just have been around too long to not be reluctant of their claims? Some took the vaccine based on reason and some people did not take the vaccine based on reason! The reasons were different but a lack of trust in the facts presented were the biggest reason for the reluctance to take the vaccine! God has all the facts but we limited facts! Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden used reason to eat the forbidden fruit! Lucifer convinced them that God was a liar! Faulty facts was the basis of their decision! You can use one fact in a decision but not even know the other facts that will determine the outcome of your decision! Facts can be deceptive and not always true! All men are liars but God is true! God knows all the facts because he is creator of everything that exists! Would you trust him who knows everything about everything? Without faith it is impossible to please God! Time will not change God! Facts will not change him! God can be trusted to tell you the true facts! Heaven and earth will pass away but not his words! We are to live by faith! To trust him with our outcome not relying on faulty facts! Did you ever try reasoning with a woman? Like convincing an alligator to come out of your swimming pool! They are just wired differently! Not a fault but for function and purpose! Without trusting God and his Holy Scriptures we become fools! There is only one good reason to trust God! He is God and there is no other! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK

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