Democrats Platform on Good Deeds Done by Americans!

No good deed goes unpunished! If you stand up for law and order you will be punished! Criminals are rewarded and good citizens go to the back of the line! Illegals have more benefits than you the citizen does! If you do good deeds by paying your taxes then that money will be used to reward those doing bad deeds! My Bible says that one day good will be called evil and evil will be called good! We have now arrived at this time in history and Bible prophecy! This simply means that those who hang unto good will be rewarded by the Christ that judges the living and the dead! Oppose evil as God does and through it all you will win! Win the favor of God and the promises of eternal life and the peace he offers you in the midst of a lost and dying world! Bring life by offering those in darkness Jesus the light of the world! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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