Christian Jail Break! Acts 12:7

“Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. Quickley get up he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.” Commentary: King Herod had just put James to death and was now focusing to get Peter next! Herod had assigned 16 Roman soldiers to guard Peter! Two soldiers in the prison cell with him, two just outside the cell and another 12 soldiers available to escort Peter to trial! The execution of Peter looks like a slam dunk deal! However the church was earnestly praying for Peter! There was no defund the police movement with Caesar! If he said you die you die! So what was Peter being executed for? For not worshipping Caesar as God! For not worshipping the State as God! Disobeying civil laws when they oppose the Commandments of God! Peter later became the leader of the church at Jerusalem and some three hundred years later the Bishop of the Roman Empire in Rome! Peter became the Saint of the Catholic Church in Rome! Peter was executed in Rome by Caesar but later the foundation of the church in Rome! God through his Son Christ has delivered all of us out of the prisons of sin for a greater purpose to reach the world for Christ! The witness of Peter could not be confined to just one generation but proceeded into future generations including to me in this some 2000 years later! What you do for God has eternal implications saving people out of your generation and beyond! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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