Former Prime Minister of Japan Assassinated!

Japanese former prime minister Shinzo Abe shot to death! America has her own list of assassinated President’s. These assassins all have mental issues and sadly they do not get help in time to divert these tragedies! If it were a perfect world we would not have these murders but we live in a fallen world where men everyday prove that we need the Savior Jesus Christ! One thing Christ has taught us that we are forgiven by him for our sin and we must likewise forgive those that sin against us! The law requires a civil penalty for this crime and yet this murderer can find peace with God in embracing Christ who will forgive him if he will repent! Desperate people do desperate things! We have to trust Christ through every kind of experience we will face in this life both good and bad! Remember we are not on the mountain top forever neither in the valley forever but my Christ is with us in both places! He will never leave us nor forsake us! Jesus on the Cross told the thief who repented hanging next to him that this day you will be with me in paradise! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Follow Jesus or Satan! Mark 13:13

“Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the evil will be saved.” Commentary: I like the King James translation that says; “But he that endures unto the end, the same shall be saved.” The word “end” in the Greek does not mean extinction but rather when the goal is reached! What is that? Christ rules the world in righteousness and Satan is bound for a thousand years! The King James Translation says shall be saved! That is immediate salvation to those that trust in Christ! The words here are prophetic! The only way Satan can persecute Jesus today since the Cross is to persecute his followers! You would think people would be happy you are following Jesus! Keeping his Commandments to love God and man! You would think the love of God would be embraced by a lost and dying world? No! They hate him! They are convicted of their sin! They love their sin more than Jesus! Give us Barabbas and condemn Jesus! Release that criminal Barabbas and condemn the righteous! Do not prosecute criminals! Sound familiar! Defund the police! Protect the criminals! Assassinate murder those that enforce the law! These Jesus followers hate abortion! They tell us the Bible is the book that leads to life! We want death! Our sexual sins of gay marriage, homosexualism, lesbianism, transgenderism is condemned as sin according to their scriptures! We will change our laws to oppose the laws of God! We will sacrifice our children to get our own way! They can only do evil constantly! They tear down our statues of American hero’s and mock our flag! The disrespect our sovereign borders and prefer illegals over the America citizen! They riot and burn our cities! They walk into churches and shoot the worshippers of Christ! No respect of God and no fear of the judgment he will bring upon them! They cheat and lie about their political opponents! They bare false witness against believers in Christ! Jesus said stand firm against evil and you will be saved! Jesus is the light of the world! He is the bright and morning star! We overcome the darkness with the light! Where is the church is this battle between good and evil? In the church you will find people on both sides! Some following Jesus and some following Satan and his world! Resist Satan and he will flee from you! We need more resistors in the church! Resist with your voice, your money, your worship, your vote promoting good over evil! Go to the prisons! The orphanages! The homeless! The drug addicted! The prostitutes! Poverty is coming to America simply because we have elected evil rulers who hate Christ and his followers! Elect people who are followers of Christ! Not just national elections but state and local elections! Promote private schools to help remove our corrupted public schools! Have a game plan! Jesus said be of good cheer for I have overcome the world! There is a war between good and evil! Which side are you on? Who are you following? Only you can answer that! James & Hamsa Sasse.

My Tooth Ache & Left Wing Lunacy!

Dear Uncle Joe, My tooth is really hurting bad could I go get it fixed? No! You must suffer now to prevent a tooth ache in the future! We only have 8 years before we all die! Joe, at our ages we probably will die both of us in 8 years or less! Never mind because to breathe out hydro-carbons you must pay the price today! Joe but so does my dog breathe out hydro-carbons? Could I not get this tooth drilled to relieve the pain? No drilling allowed! No drilling until you get a solar panel on your roof and start riding your bicycle! Uncle Joe I am just turning green from the pain! Uncle Joe Trump will replace you in two years where we will have cheap gas and cheap groceries and cheap everything else so why not do it now then you might be re-elected! No! You voted for Trump in 2016 & 2020 so we are going to punish you for doing that! Joe let us be reasonable! Joe if you put back all the Trump policies then you might go down in history as the best president we ever had instead of the worst president we have ever had! No! We hate Americans even more than Trump!

Dependence & Independence! Ephesians 3:12

“In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.” Commentary: When our politicians go around the world apologizing for us it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out we have the wrong people in charge! If our leaders have no confidence in America and themselves they are not fit to lead! If a football coach has no confidence in his team then he needs to be fired from his job! Why do I have confidence in Jesus Christ? Because he is God and has proven to me that he loves me and keeps all his promises towards me even when I come up short as a human! A boxer has confidence in himself until he gets knocked out! He was over confident in himself and rushed to judgment about his opponent! He learns from his mistakes and realizes as Mike Tyson said in order to win I must be better than myself! God makes us better than we are! We come to Christ based on his abilities creator of heaven and earth not on our abilities! Our human abilities are not eternal! They have limitations! We have access to God by his blood! Jesus is approachable by his blood! The blood sacrificed for your sin! Where is your confidence today? In government? In the Church? Yourself? Our faith? Or his faith? You can trust the character of Christ! He is more than mortal! He is God in the flesh! We must have faith in his faith! Faith in his promises! Faith in his word! You can trust his love for you for he displayed it on the Cross! He will never deny his word! The Holy scriptures! Not like politicians who lie to you and forsake their promises to you! They care only about power and deceive you into believing they are for you! You cannot take the power of Christ away from him! It is eternal like forever yet he uses it only for your benefit! You cannot vote Jesus out of office! He will be with us unto the end of the age! Faithful to generation after generation! Time will march on as these earthly kingdoms rise and fall yet time will prove the authority, power, love and the redemptive work obvious to every generation! His eternity will come down into your world if you will call on him! He is only one breath away! His name is above every name! Always here for you! World without end! This world will end one day however not for those in Christ! Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us! Trust his word and you will discover he is the word! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus Gets Pissed Off! Mark 11:15-18

Commentary: So what got Jesus upset at them? There is a lot of money to be made in the God business! Selling religious books, diet plans, food supplements, sleep aids and the list goes on and on! I thought all I needed was Jesus? All I need is my Bible? Jesus was upset at the money changers in the Temple! Selling blood sacrifices for the Temple. Forget prayers just give us your money said the religious leaders! We love you as long as your money continues! Did you ever feel this way about a ministry? Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! That includes the church! Do not bother me with your letters or calls! We have bigger fish to fry! You know what I think bothered Jesus more than the commercialization of the church was that the real sacrifice was standing before them in flesh and blood and they were blind to the truth! I was once blind to him but now I see! The one and true blood sacrifice for all men whoever have lived or ever will live was just a breath away from them! Then you will notice in verse 18 the religious leaders plotted to kill him! Ironically they were going to kill and shed the blood of the only sacrifice that would save them! My evil brought me to the Savior! The greatest joy I have ever experienced was that love he had for me on my death bed as a young man! God loves you! Those words burned as a branding iron into my soul! His scars on the Cross healed my wounds! Whenever I am in pain I think of the Cross! The crown of thorns, the lashes with the whip, the spikes driven into his limbs! For what? For my evil ways! I weep when I think of it! All because of me! When you begin to follow Jesus it will require a sacrifice from you! They will try to do the same things to you they did to Jesus! Sacrificed by your friends, family and even sometimes the church! You will be mocked, despised and rejected of men! You are the devil! You are a hoax! Jesus saved you can you not even save yourself? Stop wearing your religion on your sleeve! Just shut up we do not want to hear about your Jesus! Rejection comes with following Jesus yet those that reject you cannot save you from hell! They cannot raise you from the dead only Jesus! They cannot forgive you of your sin! Only Jesus! When you and your mockers close your eyes in death one day we will all awaken standing in the presence of Jesus who judges the living and the dead! Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you but all bets are off on everyone else! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Web Site Traffic for June 2022

For the month of June we had 2501 visitors. Top 5 country traffic was: USA, France, Russia, Great Britain & China. For those we support in India they did not make the top 5 this month but India was in the top 10 for June. For a low budget ministry we do reach a lot of people! Thankyou for your prayers and support! James & Hamsa Sasse

What is Freedom?

Since we are approaching the 4th of July this would be a good topic to discuss. If we better understand the meaning of the word better then we can celebrate better! Celebrate understanding our purpose better! So let us go to our Bibles and see what God has to say about this important word! This word only appears twice in your Bible once in the Old Testament and once in the New Testament! The scriptures are Leviticus 19:20 and Acts 22:28. Freedom in the New Testament in Acts 22:28 means citizenship! I have dual citizenship! I am a citizen of heaven through Christ and a citizen of the United States protected by our Constitution! In America I have freedom of speech! The right to bare arms to protect my family or shoot a deer for dinner! As a citizen and I can vote and chose my leaders who will rule over me! I have the right to worship freely without government interference! I have many more freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution not available to me anywhere else on earth! Jesus has promised to go and prepare a place for me in heaven! I already have a residence in heaven while I am still living here on earth! Citizenship is only good if the prescribed laws are enforced by my government to protect my freedom! Citizenship is no good if our borders are not secure to protect us from non citizens invading our country! If our borders are violated then our citizenship is threatened! Jesus said there is great gulf or border between heaven and hell! You remember the rich man and Lazarus? No one can cross over the border between heaven and hell! If someone could then heaven would be mixed with hell and my citizenship in heaven would be meaningless! The citizens of hell would be living with me like today here on earth! If my sovereignty is violated by illegals then my protections as a citizen are compromised! The Old Testament word for freedom means liberty from slavery! A slave has no choices! His master makes all decisions for him! As a socialist you are only given what the government gives you! You are totally dependent for handouts! Just enough to survive! Welfare on a dime! Food stamps for groceries! A low wage monthly check to pay for your absent father in the home! We fought a civil war with over six hundred thousand casualties to free the slaves and President Lincoln shot to death a republican who opposed the democrats the party of slavery! The Democrats today still try to enslave the blacks! We need liberty from the liberals who try to enslave all of us today from our liberty and freedom of personal choices! Freedom to work where we want and to travel where we want and no infringement by government on our liberties described in our Constitution! Remember our freedom is paid for by someone else! Christ on the Cross or the millions of American soldiers who gave their lives and limbs to protect our citizenship! Jesus gave up his freedom in heaven to come to earth to suffer and die for you so that you would have liberty from sin! The fifty six thousand young Americans who gave their lives in Vietnam to deliver us from the bondages of socialism and communism! They paid for our freedom with their blood! Our freedom here in America will always be dependent on others willingness to give up their freedom for us! Others to sacrifice and suffer for you! How much is your freedom worth to you? To others? As we celebrate Independence Day let us always remember we are dependent on those that made a sacrifice for you! Who gave up their freedom so that you could experience freedom! In heaven and on earth! James & Hamsa Sasse