Former Prime Minister of Japan Assassinated!

Japanese former prime minister Shinzo Abe shot to death! America has her own list of assassinated President’s. These assassins all have mental issues and sadly they do not get help in time to divert these tragedies! If it were a perfect world we would not have these murders but we live in a fallen world where men everyday prove that we need the Savior Jesus Christ! One thing Christ has taught us that we are forgiven by him for our sin and we must likewise forgive those that sin against us! The law requires a civil penalty for this crime and yet this murderer can find peace with God in embracing Christ who will forgive him if he will repent! Desperate people do desperate things! We have to trust Christ through every kind of experience we will face in this life both good and bad! Remember we are not on the mountain top forever neither in the valley forever but my Christ is with us in both places! He will never leave us nor forsake us! Jesus on the Cross told the thief who repented hanging next to him that this day you will be with me in paradise! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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