Is there more than one way to skin a cat? Is there more than one way to get to Heaven? Jesus made it clear there is only one way! The word “way” in the Greek means to travel in a manner of life or a method to live by to the revealed will of God for your life! It is the only road leading to Salvation! It is the only road leading to eternal life with God not separated from him! It is an action that keeps you on this road in the direction of his providence trusting him to remove the obstacles in the road that would block your Blessings and Redemption! It is a matter of trust in him to stay on this road! It is a way to detour around death and stay on the road of life! Only those that stay on this highway can stay on this road with a lot of the traffic taking another route to hell! Those that stay on the road to Salvation also proclaim this way to eternal life to others sharing the good news Christ has revealed to us through His Word! Jesus has prepared the way for you going to the Cross for you! By being raised from the dead for you! By preparing a place in Heaven for you! Any other road does not offer this but leads to the ways of death! Why not chose life! James and Hamsa Sasse.