Be careful about naming dates! I want to list the dates in our church history that were set by some respected people in the Body of Christ! I will list the dates and some names behind these dates you may recognize? Here are the A.D. dates: 500, 793, 1000, 1260, 1370, 1504, 1524, 1526, 1533, 1673, 1694, 1700, 1757, 1795, 1814, 1829, 1836 (John Wesley), 1840, 1844, 1847, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1874, 1901, 1914 (Jehovah Witnesses, 1915, 1917-1930, 1935, 1930-1939, 1943, 1972, 1975 (Herbert Armstrong), 1982 (Benjamin Creme), 1988 (Edgar Whisenant, Harold Camp), 1994-2009 (Jerry Falwell), 2000 (Ed Dobson, Timothy Dwight IV, Edgar Cayce, Isaac Newton, James Harnuston), 2011 (Harold Camping, Ronald Weinland), 2012 (Jack Van Impe), 2015 (Mark Blitz), We would all like Jesus to return during our lifetime! Do not let desire get the best of you! We have to stay with the scriptures for a balanced Faith! At one time the Apostle Peter with emotion cut a guy’s ear off! Passion is important but must be balanced with the Word of God! To know the scriptures is our best offence and defense! The scriptures declare Jesus is coming back again but the date even He does not know but in the Father’s plan! We cannot be greater than God! Jesus did give us some signs of his second coming! We will look at these in our Blog posts for 2017. James and Hamsa Sasse.