Your Clarion Call! Blow the Trumpet! Sound the Alarm!

1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.” Commentary: There are three Greek words mentioned in this short scripture that are significant! The first word is faith. It means a religious truth and teaching based on scriptures declaring the truth of God and his Christ! It is our conviction of his truth lived out everyday in our life here on earth and preparations made for heaven! It is teaching the truth in deed and action! The word quit simply means to act like men an adult male and faithful husband! Men relying on Christ for their salvation! Did you miss it? Act like men! The transgender movement is to destroy Western civilization and destroy gender male and female created by God that gives each of significance and purpose! It is a movement to tear down Biblical foundations and our complete fabric of society! It is a complete denial of God his laws and his redemptive work through men! It is a declared war on God creator of all that exists! It is to deny the truth of scriptures and replace it with an ideology that declares war on God and his followers! It is to exalt themselves above God! It is a concerted effort politically and socially to reduce America to the ash heaps of history! It is to hate America and all she stands for! It is to destroy, liberty, justice, gender, borders, religion, loyalty, honor, faith, marriage, parents, respect, patriotism, law and order, integrity, responsibility and criminalize Christian values! It is a war on Christ and his family! They will not win this war but will create many casualties along the way! Truth will rise again out of the ash heaps of the histories of destructive ideologies that oppose Christ and his church! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Country Talk!

Granny I know our son Jethrow only graduated from the 6th grade where he was about five years older than the rest of his class but I will say until my dying day that he is only a few straws short in a bale of hay!

What Would You Call a Hippie Today?

What would you call the hippies of the 1960’s today with their long hair, ear rings, drug use and sleeping in public parks and National forests? Today you would call them “Baby Transgenders”! A transgender male thought he was a female so he went to his therapist! He asked his therapist if I believe I am a woman what do I do with my penis? The therapist said cut it off! The transgender told the therapist I today for now believe I am a male! What was one of Jesus many signs he gave us of his second coming? One of those signs he gave us was unprecedented deceptions! Americans are getting fed up with governments and corporations promoting deceptions! Americans are protesting corporations by not buying their products and not attending their athletic events! But if you want your children to be protected you have to pull them out of public schools and vote Democrats out of office who promote these deceptions! My soul and the soul of my children is worth more than the beer I drink or the sports team I support! Americans will not support any government that forces or punishes us into celebrating deceptions like the transgender movement! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Biden Family Tree!

He has fathered a thousand harlots! One bastard goes into the White House and a thousand come out! He has unionized the prostitutes of Washington D.C. His supporters are like lottery ticket losers who never win but continue to buy tickets!