After Death? Then What? Hebrews 9:27

“And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after that the judgment.” Commentary: We all have an appointment with death! We cannot cancel this appointment and you will not miss this appointment! You can try to ignore it and avoid it by eating health foods but it is coming! So we must prepare for it! Have your will written! Your life insurance in place! Registered with a local funeral home the paper work done in preparations! What you do with Christ will determine whether you fear it or welcome it! No regrets! Forgiven of your sin right with the God that judges the living and the dead! There were two thieves hung a cross on either side of Jesus! Misery loves company! That is what hell is about! One thief rejected Christ and the other repented of his evil and Jesus immediately said this day you will be with me in paradise! So which thief are you!? The forgiven or unforgiven thief! Forgiven sinners are in heaven and unforgiven sinners in hell! What separates them is Jesus Christ! Judgment by definition is a separation based upon justice! Are you in the crucify him crowd? Give us that murderer Barabas! Crucify our judge! Kill the sacrifice! Give us sin and get rid of the Savior! We only celebrate criminals! Illegals! Homosexuals! Transgenders! Wokeness! Cancel Jesus! We want death not life! This is in our nature! Born to die! Death is not natural! It has a cause! It has a choice! The just shall live by faith! Faith in the Son of God! Faith in my Bible the Word of God! One world with one God creator of heaven and earth yet one of two destinies depending on our choice about Christ! God chose him so why would you reject what God has chosen? Chose him to suffer and die to save you! Sacrificed his life for you the wicked! God has pardoned you from a death sentence but to reject the sacrifice makes you unpardonable! Do not follow in the steps of Judas or the thief that rejected Christ! Humble yourself and accept Christ and paradise awaits you on the other side of death which is just a breath away! Jesus suffocated on the Cross and God has given you breath! Use the breath he has given you to worship him all the days of your life and the life to come! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Key to Happiness! John 16:7

Happiness can be found neither in ourselves nor in external things, but in God and in ourselves as united to him! Blaise Pascal Commentary: I am not as smart as Blaise Pascal the math and science genius who lived back in the 1600’s so I had to learn this truth the hard way on my death bed as a then young man chasing the elusive dreams the world tried to offer me! These promises the world gives you look like light at the end of the tunnel but it is a train! Christ came into my room that night and my world was transformed from darkness to light! From death to life! Jesus then sent his Holy Spirit into me and has been present with me ever since for the past 50 years! There is a lesson here that Pascal was trying to teach us! How does Jesus find comfort outside of himself? After all he is God in the flesh! Does he need anything the creator of the entire universe? He could make a million universes besides the one we live in! He found comfort in the unity of the Trinity! He did not work outside of his submission to the Father and the Holy Spirit! He never crossed the line and tried to do something outside of the will of his Father! He never violated the Holy Scriptures performing an act contrary to them! Satan tried his best to get him to violate his God given purpose with the temptations but he never took the bait! He countered the twisted scriptures Satan tried to feed him and took those misquoted scriptures and spoke them accurately as they are written! We are created by God and all our external things around us but those including ourselves can never bring the happiness for which we are seeking! We are looking in the wrong places! Only our unity with Christ and his word and the indwelling Holy Spirit will give us true happiness in this life and the one to come! Truth is truth and it does not matter what century we are living in or the cultural lies Satan is using to draw us away from the only one who can fill your void with his love! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Serve the Small and the Great! Matthew 23:11

Lord, help me to do great things as though they were little, since I do them with your power; And little things as though they were great, since I do them in your name! Blaise Pascal Commentary: Jesus left heaven to earth to serve! He left earth to heaven to serve and he will come back to earth again from heaven to serve! Sacrifice is God’s first, middle and last name! He owns it! Perfect love is sacrificial! No athlete ever won a game by withholding sacrifice! He or she expends all the energy pain and suffering to win the prize! They give their all! They sacrifice themselves for the prize! God lost everything to win your soul! His body bloodied on a Cross for you! He conquered death so he could raise us from the dead! We never won a war unless young men and women laid down their lives for our country! Criminals and Satan try to sacrifice others for their gain! What gain is it for Satan to do this? To populate hell with people just like himself! God does not go around killing people! He was killed to save us! He gave gifts unto men! He sends his Holy Spirit to us! To comfort us and encourage us until Christ’s return at his second coming! Jesus disciples wanted to know who was the greatest! Jesus who is top dog? Not by winning a dog fight but serving other dogs! Instead of taking life give your life to others! Give and it shall be given unto you pressed down and overflowing! This is not rocket science! What God wants you to do is counter to your pride and the flesh! The flesh wants to be served but God wants you to serve others! Sacrifice requires pain to yourself to help others! You hurt yourself to help others! You are a giver not a taker! In doing what God says we are to do a joy comes into our soul! Why? You become God like! Together we celebrate the joy of our salvation! James & Hamsa Sasse.