Pieces of the Puzzle! Daniel 11:37

“Neither shall he regard the God of his father’s, nor the desire of women nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” Commentary: I am going to give you a quote from a respected Bible Commentary Matthew Henry: “The remainder of this prophecy is very difficult, and commentators differ much respecting it. From Antiochus the account seems to pass to the Antichrist.” Our Bible is like a puzzle! Like a 500 piece puzzle where you dump the pieces out on a table in a big pile and you say I will never figure this out? Then as you begin to put the puzzle together piece by piece it starts to make sense! I can only share with you the revelation God gives me! Some people have more revelation and some less but what is important is what God shows you through his scriptures because it is first and foremost a personal revelation because our God is a personal God! It is not private interpretation but a cumulation of many scriptures! Two important Hebrew words in this scripture! The word “regard”. It means to distinguish between good and evil! To distinguish between male and female! Why is this important? In our American cultural war on God the lines of distinction are purposely blurred! There is no male and female! Transgenderism! There is no differences in gender? We are all the same? There is no God and therefore no Satan nor good or evil? Everything is the same! When Jesus spoke of his second coming and the signs of his return one of those signs was it would be as in the days of Lot! Sodom and Gomorrah! Homosexuality would be promoted as a good thing to be exalted! Think about this? If I would have told you 50 years ago in the church that one of the signs of Jesus return would be the promotion of homosexuality and gay marriage you would have thought I must have been on drugs! This is how fast we are moving towards Christ’s return! The other word used in this scripture is “women”. It means a female in Hebrew as opposed to a male! One of our women Supreme Court Justices in her hearings for the nomination to the court being a woman could not define a woman? No wonder I could never figure women out? They do not know themselves! This is a further intentional blurring of the lines of God creating male and female! A war on creation! A war on God! From this scripture and others I believe the Anti-Christ will be a Jew just as our Savior is a Jew! When the Temple is re-built in Jerusalem the Jews will not let a gentile into this Jewish Temple! He has to be a Jew! He will also be a homosexual! Once he sets himself up in the Temple during the seven year tribulation period at the midway of these seven years and he sets himself up as God to be worshiped the Jews will then realize they have been deceived! Since at this time the church has been raptured even though many will still come to Christ during this period he will make a deal with the Muslims! The False prophet ruling from Rome will be a Muslim! He will then be the one world religious ruler ruling from Rome and the Anti-Christ the one world political ruler ruling from Jerusalem! ! There are many scriptures on this subject but from them all and the words of Jesus when you put the pieces of the puzzle together this is the picture I see! God wants our worship and made a way of redemption for us to do that but Satan always demands worship to our own destruction! Embrace our Savior Christ who has delivered us from the jaws of the lion! James & Hamsa Sasse. Whoisgod.de

Web Site Traffic January 2023 GodWhoisGod.com

For the month of January we had 3263 visitors. Top 5 Country traffic was: USA, Canada, China, Great Britian & Russia. Top 5 MP3 download languages: Badeshi, Sanskrit, Telegu, Chinese, Kiswahili. Commentary: So interesting our top mp3 download language Badeshi was a language that never was translated from our Bible. Thankyou for your prayers and other support to reach the nations with the Gospel! We thank the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures for insight into his Word! We thank the Lord for those that have gone before us sacrificing their own lives for the promotion of our Holy scriptures so that I would have a Bible in my hands today! With our webmaster we are looking for ways to increase traffic each month to reach more lost souls! Google has blocked our web site in that we cannot advertise on Google promoting our web site! However this is a healthy sign that truth is always suppressed by the enemies of the Cross! If our web site had no value for truth then they would not suppress this web site! James & Hamsa Sasse.