Monkeypox? Revelation 16:2

“And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth: and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had taken the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.” Commentary: Notice that these sores fell upon the men! Monkeypox just like AIDS is a disease predominately found among the homosexual community. However I do not believe this disease is in reference to this scripture here Monkeypox is a disease judgment by God for immoral sinful behavior! The scriptures both in the Old and New Testaments condemn it! The word “mark” used here in the Greek means an engraved impression like a tatoo! Now you understand the promotion of tatoos! The word “beast” means a beast of pray which kills and devours. It hunts down it’s prey! We also know from the Book of Revelation those who follow and worship this beast will take a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. This is why the followers of Christ are forbidden to mark their bodies! No tatoos! The man that never takes a drink can never become an alcoholic! We as believers will never take a mark! So what are those that follow the Anti-Christ hunting for? Followers of Christ! Those who did not take the mark! Most that study their Bibles believe that the Rapture of the Church will happen before the 7 year tribulation one world government led by the Anti-Christ. However according to the Book of Revelation many will come to Christ during the 7 year tribulation! What about the 144 thousand Jewish evangelists? Jesus took marks on his body for our sin! He was speared, cut, thorns placed on his head, whipped and bruised for our iniquities! He bled for us! Satan will always try to duplicate at least in appearance the Christ! However Satan will demand worship! His intention which began in heaven was to deceive people and angels to reject Christ and to worship him! Let me prophetically warn believers that this Anti-Christ will not appear overnight! You will not awake up one morning and say there he is living in the rebuilt Jewish Temple and his false prophet one world religious ruler living in Rome! It will be gradual like turning up the heat gradually with the frog in the pot that gets cooked because he did not recognize the change in temperature! According to my Bible the Anti-Christ will be a Jew just as our Christ is and will be a homosexual! No natural affection for woman! The same spirit that promotes abortion! So the world wide promotion of the LGBTQ+ sinful behavior are preparations for the rule of the Anti-Christ! The governments of the world and the banking systems are now going after Christians who oppose their behaviors! If you oppose them we see the financial systems and the government powers such as the IRS and the FBI are going after us! As Paul even if in chains be a witness to them of the love of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Silent Church on Sin!

A dog barks when his master is attacked, I would be a coward if I saw that God’s truth is attacked and yet would remain silent. John Calvin, Reformation Pastor. Comment: Today in the 21st Century church I see the church made into a business! Like selling sleep aids, vitamins, food products and pillows! With the 501c tax exemption the church has painted itself into a corner not even able to name the sins God has named! Like homosexualism, lesbianism, transgenderism and the list goes on! I can understand the world’s confusion where if I am to repent what am I to repent of? My girl friend and I live together so what? You do not call out the sin? Repent of what! I hear from the pulpit I will be successful so I go for that along with my gay partner! You are not calling us out! So you say I will be prosperous along with my lesbian partner! I can be successful along with my gender as a man turned into a woman! Nothing from the pulpits across America! Do not talk about salvation until you identify my sin! Muslims do not believe they are sinners! You need to explain to them why they are! The Reformation pastors like Luther and Calvin and others were willing to give up their lives to enact change in their culture with a target on their backs not to be comfortable and sell their books and get rich! Unless their is a sea change from the pulpits of America I see nothing changing from the rottenness of American culture! Do not let any ministry be a substitute for our responsibilities to call out sin and to show those in sin to repent! Show them what the Bible says about our sin and then show them the solution to sin! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Science Fiction!

Follow the science is all we heard during the COVID pandemic! Wear your masks then do not wear your masks? Biden said if you get the shots you will not get COVID! He got his shots and got COVID! True science had become a political science! Now side effects coming from COVID vaccines are heart problems with the young and old! What next? I have given you examples about how your Bible records how God himself created the sciences! Many examples in previous postings! Did you know your DNA reveals your gender! How about that for science! So if you are a male and put on lipstick and a dress guess what? Your DNA still says you are a male! So goes with the binary genders! If you are a transgender your DNA will still determine whether you are a male or a female! I have also maintained that true science will always support the scriptures! Genesis 1:1 where it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth! Science says the earth and all the planets and the entire universe are all the same age! My Bible makes it very clear about almost any subject including gender! No blurring the lines about gender! Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them.” So your DNA your scientific footprint identifies positively the gender God has given you at creation! Your creation! Again science supports the scriptures! Not political science but true science! If you follow the true science it will lead you back to the scriptures and the God that created you and the sciences! James & Hamsa Sasse.

What Color is Racism? Acts 17:26

“And hath God made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.” Commentary: God is the creator of all things! The Apostle Paul here in this scripture used the word nations referring to the non-Jewish gentile nations because his audience were gentiles! Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 24 that in the last days before his second coming nation shall rise up against nation! War between the races! God never intended this yet sin abounded and has brought death to planet earth! Crime is not racial neutral! Here in America crime is at it’s highest rate since recordings began! White on white black on black crimes white on black and black on white Spanish on Spanish Indian on Indian murders! When the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1602 they found the American Indian tribes were warring against each other! So much for the indigenous peoples promoted today as the victims of whites? God is truth and men liars for he not only created all peoples but said all men are sinners and need the Savior! God is for us yet men war against God and his creation! History is recording your life right now to whether you are at war with God and men or you have been reconciled to God through Christ living in peace among men! Jesus is the Prince of peace and the only peace you will ever find on this earth is the peace he has made for you with the Father through his Son Jesus Christ by the shedding of his blood on an ugly Cross at Calvary for your crimes and my crimes! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Dumber than Dumb!

Why are Christian leaders around the world objecting to Vice President Harris remarks they do not have to abandon their faith to support abortion? Is she crazy? Can we support sin and keep our faith? Can we support the legalized murder of babies in the womb and keep our faith? Do they think God is stupid? Our faith is not in a political party! All men are flawed! We can only vote for a candidate closest aligned with the Ten Commandments! Thou shall not kill! Life is sacred to God! So must be our ideology and political applications! We do not create laws that oppose the Laws of God! We believe God exists and will judge the living and the dead! Based on our choices between good and evil! Christ has delivered us from our evil but to go back and betray him and support evil is to make a mockery of our God and our faith in the living God! James & Hamsa Sasse.

John Calvin on Abortion! (1509-1564)

For the fetus, though enclosed in the womb of its mother, is already a human being, and it is a monstrous crime to rob it of the life which it has not yet begun to enjoy. If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in a field, because a man’s house is his place of most secure refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light! John Calvin, Protestant Reformation Pastor. (1509-1564)