Foundation of Sin! Ephesians 6:12

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness in high places.” Commentary: Wickedness is first a spiritual condition not innoculated by the Blood of Christ! It is not an it but a spirit waring against Christ in the heavens and here on earth! This foul spirit Satan wants a Kingdom opposed to Christ! This spirit has a home field called hell! He was kicked out of heaven but believes he has the home field advantage here on earth! Satan has his beginning in rebellion and death and that is where his Kingdom ends! Wicked governments terrorize their own people and then to their neighboring countries! In Ukraine we see the evangelism of death and millions of homeless people fleeing their own country! The sacrifice of Russian and Ukrainian people because evil also demands a sacrifice! If the sacrifice of God’s own son is rejected then the sacrifice of the masses by Satan follows! High places in governments controlling and sacrificing their own people! This is the history of nations! A culture without Christ will turn on its own! Jesus is called the Prince of Peace! Jesus will put the wicked out of business! They must give up their sin or perish! When Jesus came into my life the internal war ceased! There is still a external war from those that reject Christ yet even those waves that rock my boat everyday I know that Jesus calms those storms as he proclaims peace be still! Peace that remains in my soul as he anchors my soul to his love and the sacrifice on the Cross he has made for me! Jesus predicted wars and rumors of war before his second coming! At Jesus second coming Satan will be bound for a thousand years and then the lion will lay down with the lamb! If everything you have is taken away through war remember you still have Christ where he has gone to prepare a place in heaven for you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus on Divorce! Matthew 19:9

“And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away or divorce his wife except it be for fornication (adultery): and shall marry another, commits adultery and whosoever marries her commits adultery.” Commentary: Jesus responded to the question the Pharisees or religious rulers used to try to trick Jesus into some doctrinal error! They asked Jesus is it lawful to divorce a wife for any reason? Jesus replied lawful for only one reason! Adultery which is the 7th Commandment! Marriage is sacred to God! It is the foundation for civilization! Jesus goes on to remind us that God created male and female! Not male and male or female and female but male and female! The gender war is a war on God! Then the two male and female are joined together in marriage and let no man separate! Then they become one producing children to carry on the next generation! Then Jesus called the little children forward to pray for them! The disciples rebuked him but Jesus said such are they represented the Kingdom of God! There is a war on children today and it is called abortion! There is a war on marriage through divorce, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism all opposing God’s creation and the organized system of the Kingdom of God to prosper his people! There is a war on the church! The church is called the bride of Christ where the two become one! The worst divorce is being divorced from God and his Christ! Jesus forgave the woman caught in the act of adultery! He has forgiven you also! To reject his forgiveness is the only sin that will send you to hell! He took your judgment for sin on the Cross! To reject Christ will not make him your savior but your judge! Anyone who falls into the unpardonable sin makes that decision in rebellion against the God who is creator of heaven and earth! Creator of you! Jesus said pure religion is to take care of the widows and orphans! You may consider adopting some children from Ukraine or marrying a widow from Ukraine! My marriage to a widow and orphans from India 48 years ago has blessed me beyond measure! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Are You Wise or a Fool? Proverbs 11:30

“The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Commentary: The Tree of Life in the center of the Garden of Eden was a tree loaded with righteous fruit! Yet Adam and Eve deceived by Lucifer chose another tree in the Garden that led to death! They ate the poison sugar coated sin that God warned them not to eat! Choices have consequences good or bad! They were cast out of the Garden until Jesus died on a Tree of Life (wooden Cross) for our sin! The word “souls” in the Hebrew means anyone who has breath! This includes all people and all races and genders! God is not “woke”. He is concerned for all in so much that he shed his blood on a Cross for our redemption! All lives matter to God because he created us all. My skin color and my gender is not the enemy of God but my sin is! He has made away of escape for this by sacrificing himself for me and took the suffering and death for my crimes that I deserved on the Cross! The only crime we can commit against God with eternal consequences is to reject his love! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Revelation under Control! Matthew 16:20

“Then he (Jesus) ordered the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.” Commentary: After his disciples understood that Jesus was the Messiah it would have been difficult for them not to broadcast it! Why did Jesus do this? Because he understood that the crowds who witnessed his miracles would try to rescue him from the Cross! Then Jesus could not rescue them from hell! After the Cross Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! Sadly today some in the church are secret service Christians not sharing the Good News outside of the church into their communities? Once you are “Born Again” you will not be able to hold back his love for others that have never experienced his love! The Holy Spirit will enable you to witness to others about Christ at the right place at the right time! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus More Than a Man! Matthew 15:30

“And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at the feet of Jesus: and he healed them.” Commentary: Often what is missed in this scripture in your Bible is to remember who cast them down at the feet of Jesus? The multitudes! The crowds! Not the disciples but the crowds! These multitudes had enough faith to bring them to Jesus! As a Christian when you pray for the sick you are really casting them down at the feet of Jesus! Pastor I will just keep my religion to myself? I do not want to offend anyone? Jesus said if you deny me before men I will deny you before my Father! Would you rather offend the God of Heaven and deny his name? My wife Hamsa was just released from the hospital. Being diabetic she had complications and they had to amputate the toes on her left foot! Doctor Whitney her vascular surgeon with 20 years experience and thousands of amputations in his career said an 84 year old patient with her complications he has never seen such a quick healing of her left foot before! Usually these wounds can take two or even three years to heal and often having to amputate the leg. We have about 100 Christians praying for her here and in India! Through your prayers you are casting down Hamsa at the feet of Jesus! Thankyou! James & Hamsa Sasse.