Deception Without Christ!

He who does not know him, knows nothing else as it truly is! American Colonial Pastor Johnathan Edwards (1703-1758) Commentary: A very wise Pastor here! What he is saying is that before Christ you could not even recognize Satan even after this viper bit you but after Christ you can now discern God and also his archrival Satan! Discernment of spirits through Christ is another gift God has given you to safely navigate through life! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Natural Evangelism! Genesis 1:1

Nature is God’s greatest evangelist! Johnathan Edwards Commentary: Did you ever stand in awe of God’s creation? The bird that feeds her young in the nest? The bee that gathers the nectar! The ant that carries a tree leaf on his back one thousand times his weight! The sunrise and sunset! The ocean tides! The sun, moon and stars! Do we not stand in awe? So would be any more difficult to believe God would give his only Son as a gift to all humanity as a sacrifice for our sin? Jesus continues to be the greatest evangelist that will ever be! Christmas shines brighter this season because the world is drawing darker! Celebrate with us the greatest gift God has given to men! James & Hamsa Sasse.


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All Saints Equal in Heaven? Revelation 6:11

‘The saints are like so many vessels of different sizes cast into a sea of happiness where every vessel is full: that is eternal life, for a man ever to have his capacity filled. But after all is left to God’s sovereign pleasure, this is his perogative to determine the size of the vessel.” Johnathan Edwards Commentary: Your capacity to receive God’s love and to love God is limited by what you do with God! As you come to Christ that capacity is enlarged! His love grows within us! Heaven is the place where that capacity is filled completely! Those that reject Christ have a capacity but never filled! This is separation from God! We are all equal in that all were created in the Image of God but what we do with His Image within us determines the capacity that is filled with his love! Sin fills this capacity unless Christ enters in! James & Hamsa Sasse.