How Did We Get To Socialism?

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity! In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing via infiltration of schools, universities, church and the media by transforming the consciousness of society. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist Philosopher and Communist Politician, (1891-1937)

Babylon & Your Bible!

Why is the name Babylon important? God thought it was important enough to mention it 284 times in your Bible! That is a lot of scriptures containing this word! You might think because the name is mentioned so many times it deserves honorable mention? Not for its value but a warning to us of its destructive powers to any culture! The name appears first in Second Kings 17:24. The King of Assyria brought men from Babylon and planted them in Samaria! Verse 25 goes on to say they did not fear God and God sent lions in to consume them! This is one way to handle the illegal immigrant problem! We have moved to a place in America where very few people fear God! They work on Sunday and do not honor the Sabbath! Sixty years ago when I was a small boy growing up in Nebraska only the police department and the hospitals were open on Sunday! You traveled to church and no where else on Sunday! If you murdered someone you got the death penalty! The name Babylon means confusion! In the Hebrew Strong’s #894. However this Hebrew word has another Hebrew root word that helps us understand the name Babylon! This word literally means to mix yourself with God! That is you dilute God with yourself! Like diluting milk with water to get skim milk! You try to make yourself God! Like an atheist you decide what is right or wrong! You decide who lives or dies! Abortion! Holocaust! However God initiated the incarnation to mix himself with humanity through his only Son Jesus Christ! Then God had to sacrifice his only Son on a Cross to make us right with God! Remember Jesus was fully God and fully man! When the Jews were mixed with the ideology of Babylon God had to take them into captivity to Babylon for 70 years! In the land of confusion they discovered the truth of their God again and regained their heritage and were returned to Israel! Babylon is mentioned several times in the Book of Revelation! God is warning us that in the end times confusion will rule the world! Sexual identity confusion! Political confusion! Darwin/Creation confusion! Lawless confusion! The list goes on also here in America! When I went to another culture in India and lived for 3 years I discovered the great value of my Christ while living there! Had I not gone to India I would not have understood the precious value Christ is to any culture and without him man makes himself God and destruction follows! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Reverence for God!

A Hindu Priest, a Jewish Rabbi and a Tele Evangelist traveled to this same remote village for conversions! There was only one small hotel is this village. They arrived at the hotel about the same time! The hotel clerk told them there was no room in the inn for them! However there is a farmer outside of our village that will sometimes put people up for the night! All three arrived at the farm but the farmer said I have room for two of you so someone will have to sleep in the barn! The Hindu Priest said I am a very humble man so I will sleep in the barn tonight! A little later there was a knock on the door? The priest told the farmer there is a cow in the barn and they are sacred to me! The Jewish Rabbi told the farmer I have no prejudices so I will sleep in the barn! A little later another knock on the door? The Rabbi told the farmer there is a pig in the barn I cannot sleep there! The Tele Evangelist said I will go! God loves everyone! Then another knock on the door? It was the pig and the cow! Joel Osteen

What Great City? Revelation 17:18

A great city that reigns over the kings of the earth! Back in verse 9 it says the seven heads are seven mountains upon which the woman sits! Rome is a city that is built upon seven mountains! Sometimes Jerusalem is called the great city! When the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation the Roman Empire was at its zenith of power! Rome had conquered almost all the then known world! In 70 A.D. it conquered Jerusalem and burned the city down and the Temple with over one million Jewish casualties! It took one hundred thousand Jewish slaves back to Rome to construct the Roman Colosseum where hundreds of thousands of Christian’s were martyred! Their power seemed absolute! They built roads into conquered territories for their armies to march and conquer more territory! Jesus and all his disciples were martyred except John by the Romans! The persecution against Christian’s stopped when Emperor Constantine came along! Then the Christian faith was adopted by the Roman Empire! Jesus said conquer in my name! The same Roman roads that were used to conquer were now used by missionaries to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth! We really have two women represented here! We have Mary the mother of Jesus who produces the Savior of the world and the Babylonian harlot who produces seed to oppose Christ! The same has always held true! We have a seed in the earth that opposes Christ and a righteous seed that spreads his kingdom throughout the earth! Two Kingdoms! Heaven and Hell! Light and darkness! The last and final battle on earth will be between Christ and his followers and the Anti-Christ of the seed of the mother of harlots Babylon described in the Book of Revelation! The name Babylon means confusion! Did you ever notice the confusion in America today? Gender confusion! Race confusion! Political confusion! Border confusion! Immigration confusion! Lawless confusion! Authority confusion! Constitution confusion! Origin confusion! Environment confusion! Religious confusion! Education confusion! Purpose confusion! The whore that sits upon the beast will always confuse the nations that embrace her and will destroy those nations! To have the mind of Christ will bring clarity of thought and only the mind of God will save this nation or any other nation! James and Hamsa Sasse.