Blessings & Cursings?

So where do you hear these words the most spoken here in America? They are; “Jesus please help me! Help me Lord! I need your help bad!” You would be surprised not in church but at the Las Vegas gambling table just before the dice are thrown! But after they lose their bets what words do you suppose come out of the same mouth? I cannot print them here is this forum! Source: Mike Huckabee Show.

Blessings & Cursings!

Deuteronomy 28:22 “The Lord shall smite thee with a consumption, and with fever, and with inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue you until you perish.” Comment: So how did we get here? In chapter 28 God outlines the promise of blessings and cursing’s depending on what you do with his Word! Do you respect God? His Word? His Commandments? Statutes? Honor the Sabbath? Tithes and Offerings? Many preachers in the 21st Century pretend this scripture does not exist? If you throw out one scripture you have to throw them all out! You have heard of the Jefferson Bible? There are lessons to be learned from the past and if we miss them we tend to repeat them in the present and the future! God said do not reject my laws! Do not mock me! Is Jesus a curse word from your lips? Laugh at his word? If you obey his word then blessings come! The problem and the cure depends on the words that come out of your mouth! Sometimes the 21st Century church speaks as though Jesus is just a good additive for your life! Like STP oil treatment! He is not preached as a replacement for sin but an additive for your already good life! You do not hear from the pulpit anymore here in America you are a sinner headed for hell! If sin and hell are not preached then the Cross means nothing! Jesus took your curse upon the Cross to release your blessings! The curse is your sin! It has to be replaced! Repentance is required! You have to get serious with your sin because God got serious over it to die on a Cross for you! The ignorance of the scriptures is America’s greatest threat! I repented of my sin and came to Christ about 45 years ago! Before Christ my life was a mess! I thought my success was based on my own performance! So when people failed me and I failed people great anger came out of me! No forgiveness because I did not know God has forgiven me! I was miserable! Always a slave to my circumstances! All things work together for good for those that love God and called according to his purpose! In 1980 we had 20 percent inflation and 20 percent interest rates! So our house doubled in value and we purchased another house and it doubled in value! We sold them both and went to India as missionaries for three years and lived and did ministry off the profit! Negative circumstances were turned around for our good and the good of others! This is how God works! Not victims but victors! My success is not on me but on God! Then you can relax and enjoy the ride! Jesus has done more for me in my lifetime than I could do in a million lifetimes! When you achieve something you could never do on your own you know it is from God! You cannot save yourself! Why not let Jesus save you? James and Hamsa Sasse.