Chinese Virus!

Uncle Joe has put out the word that no government agency will refer to the Chinese virus as the Chinese virus? China is back under Uncle Joe leveraging over us economically and militarily! Thanks to Joe! To make myself politically correct and hide the truth from now on I will call the Coronavirus the Fung Fu virus! As a young man back in the 1970’s I got the Hong Kong flu and nearly died! I believe it killed over two hundred thousand Americans! With Uncle Joe in charge truth will now be shadow banned! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Chinese Language?

Dear President Trump, Why is the Chinese language being taught in our public schools to elementary schools across America? Who in the NEA and our government is taking bribes from China to promote this agenda? This is not how we make America great again! Twenty percent of high school graduates cannot read English coming out of public schools! Our public school system is the left wing of the Democratic Party! They are teaching our children that transgenderism, homosexuality, gay marriage and sex changes for children is something to behold? After your re-election we must move to school vouchers where parents can move their children to the school of their choice either private or public! This would make America great again! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Chinese Laundry?

Hope your sewer lines are flowing freely! Another comment on baking soda. My purpose on this blog is not to promote any snake oil cures! When I read where one medical doctor presents a cure yet another doctor refutes the claim I have to try to sort out the remedies if I can? Lord knows how many snake oil cures will come out of this pandemic? Probably thousands before it is all done! One doctor claimed that if our blood cell pH is reduced that this will make the virus difficult to cling to our cells since they need acidity to invade cells! However another article said that baking soda will reduce acid in the stomach and urine however will not alter pH levels in the blood! If the pH levels in the blood are nor within a certain range then you can die! So they are saying pH levels in the stomach and the urine are independent of pH levels in the blood! You have to do the research yourself! Too much sodium can cause a host of health issues! President Trump is considering having China forfeit trillions of dollars of Treasury notes to help offset the tremendous cost to the American people for their lack of transparency in regards to this pandemic started in China! So are other countries! I thought China could send us one servant for every American household to do laundry and cleaning for the rest of their lives! We still do not know how all this will end? Stock market crash? Will this virus mutate and come back even deadlier? We have to trust God in these times of uncertainty! Keep your anchor in Christ! I have been discussing plagues as listed in your Bible because we are in the middle of one right now! Is there a correlation between the ten plagues of Egypt and the ten commandments? We will look at this in our next blog. James and Hamsa Sasse.

History and Faith! Joshua 10:12-13

If the Lord did stay the sun for a whole day then this should show up in historical records of other cultures because it would affect the whole earth! The records of the Chinese during the reign of Emperor Yeo, who lived at the same time as Joshua reports a ‘long day’. Heroditus, a Greek historian wrote that an account of a ‘long day’appears in the records of Egyptian priests! Another record in Mexico reports the same standing still for an entire day denoted as ‘seven rabits’, which is the same year as Joshua defeated the Philistines! The historical record of the Aztecs, Peruvians and Babylonians speak of a ‘day of twice natural length’. History and science support our Bible and it is the most dependable literature in existence! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who is God?

Web Site; is a Gospel Tract in over 60 Languages for Evangelism to Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs for Jesus Christ. Thankyou. James and Hams Sasse.