Jesus Resurrection! 1 Peter 3:22

Greek Translation: “Who has gone into heaven the residence of God, and is on the right hand having preference first in high rank equal to God and of God; messenger angels and authorities granted permission by authority with right, might and dominion and powers inherent and capable with great abilities being created in relationship and under the authority of Christ with power to conquer yet lacking the freedom to do their own will.” Our Founding Father’s gave us our Constitution with the balance of power so that not the will of one man could rule over another man! You can only be ruled by another by your own consent as established by our Constitution! Our Constitution is Biblical based! We also cast our vote for or against God! Before I came to Christ and submitted my life, will and abilities under his authority what did I do with my own will? I chose sin every time! I was wicked and opposed the Kingdom of God! I was the enemy of God! Even choosing Christ was beyond my own will it was a miracle! I thought I had life figured out but I was dead wrong! I alienated myself from God and was no good to anyone! There were angels in Heaven that had their own will! Lucifer and his followers or about one third of Heaven! Lucifer became Satan! None of us really have our own will! We will always follow the will of another! If not following the will of another we will lead others to follow our will. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil! You are either going to follow God or Satan! The Holy Spirit and the evil spirits have a great influence over our minds! We are to put on the mind of Christ! That is why we read and study our Bible daily! Remember Jesus prayer? Not my will but thy will be done! If Jesus had done his own will he would not have gone to the Cross! Our own will opposes God! Why? Because we are following the wrong will! Your last will and testament declares who you are following! Satan follows his own will and deceives millions of people into following him deceiving them into thinking they are following their own will! This path leads to death and destruction! God’s will for your life is that you might be saved! Saved from yourself! We are wrapped in the flesh the enemy of God! Flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom of God! However the flesh and blood of God and his Christ has redeemed us! Our will has to become his will. Salvation is about giving up your own will and submitting to the will of God! God will take you to places you could never go on your own here on earth and to Heaven one day that you could never get to on your own! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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