D-Day Victory & Authority!

In a single day some 4400 Americans lost their lives storming the beaches of Normandy with 10000 more wounded or gone missing! At the end of WWII 407000 Americans killed in action along with 12000 civilians and tens of thousands wounded! Without authority WWII would never had been won! What do I mean? Millions of young Americans going down to their draft boards and by law taking an oath to defend America even with their life if necessary! Without the respect of authority we never would have won WWII. In any culture without respect to authority only anarchy and chaos will prevail! Our Bible talks about a day that everyone will do right in their own eyes! That is the lines between right and wrong are blurred to the point where good will be called evil and evil will be called good! Without a respect of God and his laws civil authority becomes meaningless! If there is no God why obey? I will just take what I want whenever the opportunity offers me a chance to be lawless! We have reached a crisis point here in America where our elected leaders who are put into positions of authority have themselves no respect for authority! This is what is happening right before our eyes today! Whether it be no enforcement of our southern border to defund the police departments to district attorneys who do not prosecute criminals or record number of policemen killed on duty to parents who are treated as terrorist by law enforcement because they disagree with a public school policy that harms their children! Where our political opponents weaponize law enforcement to go after their political opponents! When you vote this November remember to elect people that respect our laws and live by those same laws we have to live by! Elect people who will enforce the laws on our books and bring consequences to those that do not live by the law! God has a reason for a heaven and a hell. Everyone needs a reason to follow the law including our leaders! If the system becomes so corrupt that people believe they do not have to follow the law then chaos and anarchy will follow! The young Americans who on D-Day sacrificed for the present you and me that we would have a better future! When people sacrifice others for themselves then we have no future! God sacrificed himself on a Cross to give us a future in heaven separated from hell forever! Lawlessness is Satan wanting to sacrifice you! Which sacrifice will you do? For others or for yourself? I am free from the Nazis today because young Americans made a choice to follow the law and make the ultimate sacrifice for me and for you! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Strippers Attend Church Service!

They stripped down in a mega church service out in Houston Texas! All I can say is if our small church down here in Georgia had strippers attending our church services we would have a big church too! Why they bother Joel Osteen is beyond me? He is not the gold standard for a warrior in our American culture wars? He never mentions scriptures in our Bible that oppose abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism, gay marriage, cancel culture, sexual change surgeries for children but does write books about “Your Best Life Now”! Forget about heaven? Why go there? I do not hate Joel and he does have a good influence on our culture! It is just it is not reality! The left may be trying to corner him on the abortion issue since he is quiet about it! To be popular we cannot avoid the issues our Bible addresses! God Bless his ministry to push back the darkness and the tribulation Jesus said we would have living for him in this dark and wicked world! James & Hamsa Sasse IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Are You a Remnant? Romans 11:5

Romans 11:5 “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Commentary: So what is a remnant? According to the Greek translation it is a group of people who fail or refuse to be absent! That is they are intentional! They live with purpose not by accident! The word time here means today in this season! Not yesterday! Not tomorrow! Living with opportunity in this season! Time is respected because it is a gift from God! His election! God chose you! God cast his vote for you! By his grace! He expects no return! If he did he would not have gone to the Cross for those that reject him! He died for you whether you appreciate it or not! There was a time when I rejected Christ! Then I recognized my error and repented! God did not change for he is the same yesterday, today and forever! I changed! I only serve Christ today because only he made it possible! So does God pick winners and losers? No! You decide whether you are a winner or a loser! He voted for you now you must decide to vote for him! For he died for the whole world! Grace allows you the time to recognize you cannot save yourself and you need the Savior! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Are You Indigenous or Born Again? John 3:7

John 3:7 “Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.” Jesus Christ Commentary: God’s divine nature is not born into us entirely at birth! You do not have to teach a child to do wrong! It comes naturally to your indigenous child! Sin comes with the package! Note Jesus Christ did not become Jesus Christ at his birth! He existed in the Trinity before the creation of this world and was active in the creation of this world! Jesus pre-existed creation! His divinity was established before eternity! Our English words “Born Again” in the Greek means to be born from above! A spiritual birth in a fleshly body! Jesus took on a fleshly body so that we can be saved from our sinful bodies! In your new birth you are no longer an indigenous person! You are no longer bound for hell! A diversion to heaven has begun! Adam and Eve were indigenous people the first humans on planet earth! However that did not help them! Their fallen spiritual condition separated them from heaven! All flesh regardless of color is in a state of sin! The Pilgrims found the American Indian tribes warring against each other! Just as a worm turns into a butterfly we all must be born again! A spiritual birth new in Christ! Old things are passed away and all things become new! Born from above to be returned to above resurrected from the dead to live with Christ forever! We are all illegal immigrants until we get our citizenship from above! Then we are given a visa from heaven to legally stay here to legalize the illegal immigrants or the indigenous people through the blood of Christ! Christ taking our judgment of death satisfying the law bringing freedom and prosperity and liberty by his actions reconciling us to the Father creator of heaven and earth through his atoning death! Through his shed blood! ! As citizens of heaven we need to share the love of God with the indigenous people here on earth! James & Hamsa Sasse IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Stock Food! Public Service Bulletin!

There are going to be diesel fuel shortages this summer as reported by news agencies for this summer! All your commodities whether groceries or everything else is delivered by truck powered by diesel fuel! Five refineries have shut down since Biden has taken office! Your Transportation secretary Mayor Pete says the answer is for you to ride a bicycle! Meanwhile China and India are buying discounted oil from Russia! Thanks Uncle Joe! They are funding the war in the Ukraine! Suggest you might want to consider buying non-perishable food stocks or some canned goods if or when the grocery stores in your area begin to run out of food! Like Joseph in your Bible stored up in the good years for the lean years to come! The political ramifications of the current administration is felt by every American whether prices for everything like gas or shortages like baby formula! When you elect dummies in the White House you get dummy results! Trump just seems better and better as time goes on! Did you not love his two dollar a gallon gas for those four years? Fasten your seat belt for the Biden administration has enough time left to crash our entire economy! It was so funny in our family prayer part of my wife’s prayer was: “Jesus protect us from the Biden Administration.” We are instructed to pray for our leaders but God did not say how to pray for our leaders! So she may get a pass on this one! The Holy Spirit may be leading her to pray for our protection from the devil! Anyway I prayed in agreement with her! There are two Kingdoms in this earth! God and Satan! Everyone living on earth is in one part or the other! We have to live in both worlds so our prayers as Jesus prayer taught us said: Deliver us from evil! Overcome evil with good! Stock up your shelves for the shortages that will come under this administration! Then try to figure out if you vote the wrong people into political power over you there are consequences! Don’t plant your wild oats or weeds your sin and then pray for a crop failure! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Who Are You Looking For? Hebrews 9:28

“So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” Commentary: The English “look for”, has a Greek root word that has two elements to it! The two parts are hope and patience! Our faith requires hope and patience to receive the blessings of God! Faith hope and love! Patience is a manifestation of love! Not to give up on God! God provides the ability to look for him by the fruit of his Holy Spirit! Without the help of God you will look for the wrong things! You will look for money, fame, the approval of men, power, position, politics, sex, social media endorsement, favor of men, and the works of the flesh! With Christ you will be looking for lost souls! Looking for people without hope destined for hell! Sacrifice others for your own gain? Like Putin invading the Ukraine! Killing, robbery, arson, stealing, looting, rape, aborting babies for money, taking political bribes to do wickedness and the list goes on! Playing the lottery rather than trusting God! Are you looking for Jesus second coming or will you meet him found in your sin? If you are really looking for Jesus you will share him with others! Are you looking for Jesus? His second coming? Are you living for him or self? What you are looking for will tell who you are! Who do you say he is? Do you go to church once a Sunday to just check the box? When you are in love you only look for that person to the exclusion of all others! Do you have wandering eyes or focused on your love for Christ and his church? No one else will do! God is looking for you because he sacrificed himself for you on a Cross! At his second coming are you prepared to meet him? Very few or even none will lay down their life for you! Christ already has and will appear to you at his second coming! Satan will try to sacrifice you for his gain of another soul in hell! He does not want to burn alone! He loves company! Are you looking for the Savior? The innocent righteous God took your place on the gallows for your crimes against God and humanity! Satan wants you to take his place in the judgment of hell! The only way he can do this is for you to reject the love of God! No one is looking for hell yet many will find it! Only because they are not looking for the Savior! Your eyes are the window of your soul! What do you let into your soul? Who owns you? God or Satan? Your slave master sin has already been defeated but you must embrace your liberty provided to you by the living God who defeated death hell and the grave just for you! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Retired Now for 28 Years!

As of April 25th this year I have been retired now for 28 Years! I do not attribute this to my own abilities but by the Grace of God! God doing for me what I could never do for myself! I do attribute again by his grace to make a right decision according to his Word! That is to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! Our decision back in the 1980’s to go to India for three years and preach the Gospel allowed God to pour resources on us to enable early retirements and to be able to focus on missions while he took care of our finances! Three years committed to the work of Christ opened the door to almost thirty years of God enabling us never to worry about income or holding a job but freedom to accomplish his purpose on earth to reach the lost with our Savior! This story is a long story that I cannot make short for I have detailed some of it in previous postings to our Blog! Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

My Diet Game Plan!

I plan to eat as much as I can for long as I can to prove I can still open a can including the spam so I can cram and keep my plan so I improve my body scan to keep my plan to prove I still can improve my plan to stay out of the gym to help old Jim to stay trim surrounded by a brim to dump the flim to appear slim as I pretend to attend a gym to impress my friends of my pretend to suspend and contend to be your friend to go to the gym to please your every whim about my slim but never Jim will be so dim as to be trim just for your slim! Jim

God Had to Die Once! Romans 6:9

“Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more: death hath no more dominion or rule over him.” Commentary: Yes God had to die once for your sin so you could live with him forever! Remember some of Jesus words while on the Cross? My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me? Not my will but thy will be done! It is finished! To better understand these sayings let us examine the Greek Word used in this passage of scripture. The Strong’s Number for “dead” is number 3498. It means to die in sin separated from the vivifying grace of God having one’s soul separated from the enliving influence of the living light and spirit as a dead body is from the material light and air having no hope of eternal life.” We know from the scriptures that Jesus during his death descended during those three days down to hell. Now we better understand the words of Jesus on the Cross to his Father in heaven! Death without redemption is more horrible than death itself! God’s incarnation into flesh was so necessary and our only solution to our sin! God is perfect without sin yet in love became the sacrifice for our sin! Jesus had to carry our sin to the grave! The Father had to look the other way with his only Son on the Cross for me! No mortal was up to the task unless the immortal God took on mortal flesh! This was the only way sinners could be inducted into the Hall of Fame! At Jesus resurrection from the dead all hell broke loose! People came out of the graves! The earth shook! The veil of death and religion split in two! After his resurrection his own disciples did not recognize him! Peter went back to fishing! Jesus had to fetch Peter from the shoreline and tell him he was to be fishers of men! Peter who denied him becomes the leader of the church at Jerusalem! We who live in this dying flesh know the resurrection from the dead is coming for us! O’ Death where is thy sting? Where is thy victory? Death to have no more dominion over us! No more rule over us! To live for Christ in the here and now! You cannot live for Christ unless he gives you the power to do so! At Jesus ascension he instructed his disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit! You shall be endued with power from on high! If you die without Christ it is only because you choose to do so! Then your sin will separate you from God! Cast off your pride and humble yourself to receive the eternal gift of grace where you do not get what you deserve death but what God did for you that he did not deserve! Death! Jesus will resurrect all from the dead some to eternal life and some to judgment and eternal death separated from God forever! The choice is yours to make! Heaven or Hell? It is your call! James & Hamsa Sasse, IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Do You Have a Biblical Worldview?

This study, released Tuesday builds on an earlier report from CRC’s “American Inventory 2022”, which shows that just 37 % of Christian Pastors here in America bring a Biblical worldview with them to their pulpits. Source: The Christian Post, May 29, 2022. Commentary: What is a Biblical worldview? It shapes your belief about God, Creation, Humanity, moral order and our purpose here on earth. So according to these studies including Barna how do you defend yourself against a Pastor who has a secular worldview? That is man is the center of the universe not God. It is all about me! Your best life is now? If you worship God you will be rich and famous! All about me! Your best defense is to know and believe your Bible! Know your scriptures! Read and study or you will be deceived! When error comes from anywhere you will recognize it! Putin was quoted back in 2013 as saying, “If you have faith in God then you have faith in Satan.” You cannot trust God and Satan? Putin’s actions show he has a secular worldview! An atheist, Darwinist, destroying lives in Ukraine! Blocking wheat food supplies in Ukraine to starve the world into submission to him! Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Putin are all Darwinists! Without a Biblical foundation your Pastor could lead you into wokism, self worship, promoting abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbianism, transgenderism, one world government and so many other ideologies opposed to Christ and his Kingdom! If according to Darwin we are all evolving and getting better then why do we need Christ? Why should he come back at his second coming if we are getting better on our own? God does not need to intervene since we are just fine on our own and we do not need his help! The Darwinist Hitler had the same thoughts! Survival of the fittest so we just have to get rid of some people and the world will be a better place? This is what Hitler, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hiroshito and the likes of Putin believe! They were Darwinists! Did you know everyone will believe something whether the truth or a lie! The Biblical worldview says we need to save people! The opposite is we need to get rid of people then the world will be a better place? Just elect me then things will get better? If you reject creation then you will reject the creator! Then you will make yourself God and you will do bad things! No Biblical moral order will lead to anarchy and the destruction of any culture! Did Jesus disciples retire rich and famous? Was that there best life now? They were not interested in book sales! They were all martyred for their faith except John who was boiled in a pot of oil and then exiled to Patmos a slave labor camp where his night job was writing the Book of Revelation! Jesus said if you try to save your life you will lose it! In these last days before the return of Christ stand for his truth whatever it may cost you! Stand for the Holy Scriptures whether in the dungeon or the fire! Jesus is going to raise you from the dead whether evil or good! Why not have a good testimony for him as you appear before him after this life ends here on earth! Love conquers all! Love your God and love men who need the Savior! They do not deserve the Savior and neither did I. While Satan destroys lives you through Christ rescue people out of the fires of hell! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com