How Did America Get to Socialism?

Advances in science (Darwinism) help to delegitimize the rule of the King and the power of the church! Karl Marx, Darwinist, Marxist/Communist/Socialist Commentary: The fake science of Charles Darwin taught in American Public schools for decades has prepared generations of children to be socialists! Biblical values have been rejected in public education and the vacuum filled with Darwin’s evolution theory! Marx in an earlier quote said Democracy is a Christian doctrine and to defeat it Christianity must go! So it is no surprise America ideology on the left is moving further and further to the left! The attack on Christianity continues from the Democrat left! Most obvious is the complete shut down of religious schools ordered by the Democrat controlled states! The Supreme Court has stopped some of these attempts however were it not for Trump installing three conservative judges your religious schools would be shut down! Also another obvious move by Democrats is targeting Christian voting blocks geographical districts with much more stringent rules during our pandemic as the example in Staten Island! The Democrat governor of New York shut down restaurants completely in a republican section of the city yet just a few blocks away in a Democrat district the restaurants are allowed to be open! After the Democrat left going after Trump for four years this should not surprise us! Our next challenge is to defeat the massive voter fraud schemes across many swing states! This will go to the Supreme Court! If these fraudulent election schemes are not defeated this election cycle then there will never be another Republican elected to anything! Stand tall for Jesus as your faith will be challenged more and more as our political ideology on the left moves towards Marx and away from Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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