1 John 3:2 “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet [appear] what we shall be, but we know that, when he shall [appear], we shall be like him; for we shall see him as is he is.” Commentary: The word appear in Greek is an interesting word! It means the act of divine revelation! Jesus eternal existence preceded his earthly disclosure. Jesus did not begin at a manger in Bethlehem! He has no beginning and no end! This is the character of God! If you think you are God try that! I remember the drunk guy in India that shouted out some words in the street of a village there. He shouted out these words in the local Tamil language so I asked my nephew what he said? He said, “I was before the beginning!” Drugs will do strange things to the mind! He was making himself God! It happens a lot in India! If you reject God you will try to make yourself God! Only one problem! You are not God! While in heaven Lucifer or Satan tried to make himself God! He rebelled with one third of the angels in heaven against God and was cast down to the earth where he authors rebellion in humans against God here on earth! War started in heaven and it continues even today! The riots, looting, church burnings and murder did not start in the streets of American this year! The seeds of rebellion against God and his authority began in heaven! Satan can never be God since like us he is a created being but he created a hell for himself and those that follow him! Who you follow is who you look like! Follow Jesus and you will begin to look like him! Follow Satan and you will look like him! Jesus is love, peace, joy, patience, long suffering, sacrifice for others, prophetic, powerful, full of faith and forgiving your enemies! When Jesus appears at his second coming if you have been following him you will look like him! If not you will be a stranger to him and him to you! We were created in the Image of God yet that can only be accomplished through Christ because he took your sin away on the Cross that has transformed your image from sin against God and man to the righteousness of God and peace with men! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com