The Poor Man’s Tithe! Deuteronomy 26:12

I am sure when some Pastor’s read this scripture they think this represents the level of giving by their congregation! If they do not increase their level of giving I am going to end up as poor as they are! Here is what Tripp’s Complete Commentary says; “Thus does God not only plead the poor man’s cause, (Deuteronomy 15:10-11), but he allots a portion of the 3rd years tithe, not only to the Levite, who is never excluded, but to the stranger, fatherless and widow, as Jerome observed and called it the poor man’s tithe.” Comment: Our Pastor Brady Boyd adopted orphans and I married a widow with orphans. After 42 years of marriage I can say there is no greater Blessing than to do what God says to do! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.