Holy Thing? Luke 1:35

What is a Holy thing? Let us look at the Greek translated word! The word “Hagios”, Strong’s # 40, means to be set apart, sanctified, consecrated and totally devoted to the service of Deity! One possessing the very nature of God! Sharing God’s purity and abstaining from earth’s defilement! Separated morally from all sin! Inherent to this position is power over all sin, death and hell! The angel Gabriel told Mary he shall be called the Son of God! Jesus was conceived by God! The offspring of God with the purpose of God inherent to his nature! He came to earth with the purpose of redeeming men from their sin! He came to defeat the rebellion of men against God! He came to defeat Satan and his destructive control over men! He came to save the very men that persecuted him while on earth and took him to the Cross! Jesus did not come as a political leader to raise up an army to persecute those who disagreed with him but became the sacrifice needed to those who sought to kill him! He came with love sacrificially giving his life in place of ours for the judgment of our sin! He took our judgment upon himself and this is why the Father has given him the position to judge the living and the dead! God took on flesh to defeat the flesh that controls the destiny of men to destruction! Men are born the enemies of God but this Son of God born into the earth from heaven to redeem or purchase back men from their sin by sacrificing himself for their sin! The perfect Lamb of God! Pure and Holy with power over Satan! Demons tremble at the mention of his name! No mortal could defeat Satan! It took God himself to achieve this! What a special child is this! Mary could not comprehend all this but she knew she had to protect this child from Herod and the Roman army! Think of the love of God! This all took place before you were ever born yet this was done just for you! Before you grand parents, great grand parents were ever born! Jesus said we must be born again! He has made this second birth possible by his first birth here on earth! He can give you a new life in the new year if you ask him to do this for you! Start the new year with Christ and end the year with Christ! Happy New Year! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com