America the Beautiful!

The first draft of “America the Beautiful”, was hastily jotted down in a notebook during the summer of 1893, which Kathrine Bates spent teaching English at a Colorado Summer School (affiliated with Colorado College) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Later she remembered: “One day some of the other teachers and I decided to go on a trip to the 14000 foot Pikes Peak. We hired a prairie wagon. Near the top we had to leave the wagon and go the rest of the way on mules. I was very tired, but when I saw the view, I felt great joy. All of the wonder of America seemed displayed there, with a sea like expanse!” Kathrine Bates was the daughter of Pastor William Bates and Cornelin Francis Lee of Falmouth Massachusetts. Let us today admire and celebrate the Beautiful America God has placed us in with special blessings that come from being a part of this wonderful experience of freedom, liberty and justice for all! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.