Christian Jail Break! Acts 12:7

“Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. Quickley get up he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.” Commentary: King Herod had just put James to death and was now focusing to get Peter next! Herod had assigned 16 Roman soldiers to guard Peter! Two soldiers in the prison cell with him, two just outside the cell and another 12 soldiers available to escort Peter to trial! The execution of Peter looks like a slam dunk deal! However the church was earnestly praying for Peter! There was no defund the police movement with Caesar! If he said you die you die! So what was Peter being executed for? For not worshipping Caesar as God! For not worshipping the State as God! Disobeying civil laws when they oppose the Commandments of God! Peter later became the leader of the church at Jerusalem and some three hundred years later the Bishop of the Roman Empire in Rome! Peter became the Saint of the Catholic Church in Rome! Peter was executed in Rome by Caesar but later the foundation of the church in Rome! God through his Son Christ has delivered all of us out of the prisons of sin for a greater purpose to reach the world for Christ! The witness of Peter could not be confined to just one generation but proceeded into future generations including to me in this some 2000 years later! What you do for God has eternal implications saving people out of your generation and beyond! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Thanksgiving? What Does it Mean?

The first time the word thanksgiving appears in your Bible is Leviticus 7:12. Here is the scripture: “If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer it with the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed or consecrated with oil, and also mingled with oil, of fine flour, and fried.” Comment: So if he? Who is he? The Priest shall offer! The word thanksgiving in the Hebrew, Strong’s Number 8426, means to extend the hands with a confession to offer praise to God for the sacrifice! So a sacrifice is required! Your turkey made a sacrifice for you! His very life! President Trump pardoned two turkeys but still one had to be sacrificed! God made a sacrifice for you! His only Son Jesus Christ for our sin! Jesus our High Priest became the sacrifice! We are pardoned by his sacrifice! This is why we offer praises for the sacrifice God has made for us! Thanksgiving is connected to sacrifice! There is no benefit without sacrifice! Our young American soldiers have sacrificed themselves and their families for our safety! There was a sacrifice made for your thanksgiving dinner! Someone prepared it for you! I  always have problems with politicians who want to sacrifice you for their benefit yet unwilling to sacrifice themselves for your benefit! Through abortion they sacrifice your children and grandchildren! They want to rob you with high taxes! They want to sacrifice our youth with open drug laws! They want to sacrifice your safety with open borders and sanctuary cities protecting criminals! You see Satan wants to sacrifice you where God has sacrificed himself to save you! Politicians want to impeach Trump and sacrifice him for their own political benefit to stay in power! Meanwhile Trump sacrifices himself for your benefit! Your family and nation are secure as long as sacrifices are made for each other and our nation! Thanksgiving is a Christian principle! James & Hamsa Sasse.

German Christian Movement!

The German Christian movement made significant changes to German Protestantism to bring it in line with Nazi racial ideology. Instead of classifying people as Christians or Jews based on their faith, as the Protestants had always done, German Christians began to classify people by racial heritage, as the Nazis did. Therefore, Church leaders whose parents or grandparents had converted from Judaism to Christianity were considered Jewish, and according to the 1933 Civil Service law, were no longer permitted to serve in those positions. The church wanted to remove the Old Testament from their Bible because it was Hebrew! Source: Learn from History and Ourselves. Commentary: Can we learn from history? Only if we do not commit the same mistakes of the past! Let us fast forward 90 years to today and what is going on in America? Our Christian identity and our identity as Americans is being replaced by a racial identity! Like Black Lives Matter! Take a knee and disrespect our Flag! We are no longer Americans! Burn the churches and the Bibles! Tear down our statues that would remind us we are Americans! The same circumstances that prevailed in Nazi Germany present themselves and the challenges today! The political supporters of this movement are already in positions of power! Portland and Seattle are no longer considering themselves as part of America! Sanctuary cities! Open borders! Chop zones! How will the American church respond as this movement grows and they elect a National leader to enforce their ideology? Hopefully better than the German church even though some church leaders gave their lives to oppose Hitler! How will you as a Christian respond? How will you respond in Christ? The church in America is going to be tested where ministry will not be about selling books and collecting money but will be a decision between life and death! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christian Progressives!

Nothing that results in human progress is achieved with unanimous consent! Those that are enlightened before the others are condemned to pursue that light in spite of the others! Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Comment: The darkness hates the light! The darkness wants to extinguish the light of Christ! This truth explains the pursuit by the progressive political in America today to take down statues of great people that were foundational in making America the greatest Nation on earth! They want success without Christ! They are at war with God! They hate Christ but the only way to get to him is to persecute his followers! Remember they hate you because they hate him! We still have to show the love of God because Christ went to the Cross for his enemies! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christian Vacuum!

We shall not rest until we have rooted out Christianity! Heinrich Himmler 1937 Top Nazi Party Leader and Architect of the Holocaust. Comment: The push from the political left here in America over past decades has been to marginalize Christ and his followers! History repeats itself with the same bad outcomes! When any culture abandons Christ they become their own worst enemy! We are witnessing this in America today! Read ANTIFA’s ten point doctrine! Repeats of Hitler’s 25 point plan! ANTIFA believes the demise of America will be the beginning of freedom! Eliminate all law enforcement and military! This is exactly what the black shirts of Mussolini did and Hitler’s brown shirts! They became the enforcers of law and terrorized anyone who resisted! If you are a freedom lover then love our Constitution and defend America from the new Nazi’s from the past! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christian Response to Plagues!

Matthew 25:43 ” I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not cloth Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.” Commentary: How would we measure against the words of Jesus here? In August of 1527 the plague struck Wittenberg and many people fled in fear of their lives! Martin Luther and his wife Kathasina , who was pregnant at the time, remained in their beloved city in order to treat the infected. Despite the calls for him to flee Wittenberg with his family Luther’s mind was set on helping the infected. He inevitably came to the conclusion that it was not inherently wrong for one to so value his life that they would not remain, but only so long as the sick had someone of greater faith and to care for the sick. He balance his position with that the one of a greater faith ought not to condemn the one of the weaker faith who fled! Actually Martin Luther did the right thing! Those who fled had already been infected and this is how it spread across Europe! Same story in America! Back in February New Orleans just had to have their Marti Gras and now they are heavily infected with the Coronavirus! New York Mayor De Blasio mocked Trump and told New Yorkers to go out and celebrate in large gatherings and now look at their city! Some of our politicians are wise and some are fools! You have to discern which ones to listen to! If this plague is as serious as the Black Plague in the 1350’s with over 50% of Europe dying then America will be changed forever! The church will also be transformed! The Mega Churches will disappear! The small church will come back to America! The strength of America was hundreds of thousands of small churches in community with their local towns and cities! No central electronic point where everyone sits back and watches a service from their home! If you die from the Coronavirus your Mega Church Pastor will not be at your funeral! He will not even know who you are and you listened to his program! Jesus said where two or three are gathered together there will I be! Americans are not only socially distanced from each other but spiritually distanced from each other through technology! If God is in fact fed up with this arrangement he will remove it! What we do not want in America is our next Church at Rome becomes TBN! The Anti-Christ will control the world through the internet! You need the security of a local Pastor and a local congregation in your own community! Fox news and the liberal networks will not control my life! I will never give them that power! Washington politicians will not control my life! I will never give them that kind of power! Christ will lead me by his Words! My Bible will be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path! The Apostle Paul said to live is Christ and to die is gain! This is my attitude towards life! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.