Cunningly Devised Fables! 2 Peter 1:16

So what was the Apostle Peter talking about here? So let us look at the definition of these words! The two English words “cunningly devised” is one word in the Greek! The Strong’s number is #4679. It means to tell a lie that seems plausible or appears to make one wise! An example would be Satan telling Eve in the Garden of Eden she could eat of the fruit of this tree because it would make you wise! You could know more than God! The word “fables” in the Greek, Strong’s #3454 is that which is fabricated in the mind set over and against the real and actual truth! We get our word myth or mythology from this word. I went on Google and typed in the word “Fable.” This is what I got: “A fable is a literary genre, a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are anthropomorphized (given human qualities) and that illustrate or lead to a particular moral lesson, which may at the end be added explicity as a pithy maxim.” Comment: So what is the biggest cunningly devised fable that was promoted in the 19th, 20th and 21st Century? The Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution! His fable has destroyed more lives promoting atheism than any religious war! It is the Garden of Eden re-visited! Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito were all followers of Darwin! Atheism is the fable of Darwin that opposes the truth of Christ! Socialism has it’s foundation in Darwinism! The Apostle Peter was saying we are eye witnesses of Christ and our witness is not based on some dinosaur bone! We witnessed his life, power, authority, crucifixion, resurrection, transfiguration and ascension! We were eye witnesses to his majesty! Peter is saying Jesus the Son of God is as real as the sun rising in the east! As you feel the heat of the rising sun so can you feel his love! Are you going to follow a fable or the truth? Is your life built on a lie or the truth? As we enter the 2020 election cycle you will hear many cunningly devised fables! Your Bible is a lie detector because it is the truth! If you have the mind of Christ and know the Holy Scriptures the fables presented to you will fall! The truth will set you free! James and Hamsa Sasse.