Democrat Playbook!

Control healthcare and you control people! Saul Alinsky (1905-1972) Radical Jewish Revolutionary, Community Organizer of Division, Russian immigrant embracer of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.  His two better known disciples are Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama.  Comment: The Democrat push that they are concerned about your health is a fabrication! It is about controlling your life in every aspect! Taking choices away from you! When anything is run by the government bad things happen! The high cost of health care has everything to do with government control of it! When the private sector takes over in the free market system competition takes over and quality goes up and prices come down! Freedom is choices and the more freedom we have the more choices we have! You can keep your doctor? Ask the Russian people how many choices they have? None! The Democrats want to stay in political power and since they lack good idea’s the only way they can achieve power is for you to be dependent on them! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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