Church at Philadelphia! Revelation 3:7

Historical Background: This city was founded by King of Pergamum around 190 B.C. This King had a nickname Philadephus or brother lover! This King had a special devotion to his brother Eumenes II. Comment: So what is meant by the Key of David? It is found both in the Book of Revelation and Isaiah! It means to have control over or authority! King David had control and authority over Jerusalem and Israel. Jesus is the descendent of David and is the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant! Jesus has been given the keys to Heaven, Hell and the grave! He has complete authority over God’s Creation! Christ has authority over life and death! Remember in Revelation 1:18, Jesus said he has the keys of death! Jesus was raised from the dead! Jesus also raised mortals from the dead and has promised his followers the same rewards! What door Jesus closes no man can open! What door Jesus opens no man can close! Some people may try but will never succeed! What God has for you and his promises to you are sure and forever! This is the introduction Jesus has given of himself to the Church at Philadelphia! It is the same introduction Jesus gives to you and me in the 21st Century because he is the same yesterday, today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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