Blind Sided? Revelation 2:5

What does repent really mean? Jesus asked the church at Ephesus to repent! In fact Jesus asked five of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation to repent! These are saved people! The blind side of sin is it can only look back and not forward! Sin is a Spirit that causes an evil action! It is listening to a voice in your head that opposes the Word of God! True repentance is not just regret for getting caught but a change of heart towards God! Recognizing we have a future beyond our sin and outside of ourselves! God does not overlook our sin he paid a price on the Cross for it! Sin is defeated understanding our forgiven past and promised future! That is why we must forgive others! Repentance is more than the regrets for sin but a willful choice to abandon the sin that led to the regrets! It is more than just sorry! Looking forward to the promises of God and not looking back! To live only for today will lead to sin! To live for tomorrow today is visionary and looks from God’s perspective into eternity! To fly blind is to not take God at his Word! Suicides are all about taking sin on all by yourself! That is what Judas did! Years ago we were trying to help this lady who told us I know God has forgiven me but I cannot forgive myself? We shared with her that then you are making yourself greater than God! Sin is about making yourself greater than God! Satan’s suicide plan for your life is defeated by putting God in his proper place in your life! Even some religious people can move God to the side lines of their lives but then  will get blind sided to sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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