Foundation of Sin! Ephesians 6:12

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness in high places.” Commentary: Wickedness is first a spiritual condition not innoculated by the Blood of Christ! It is not an it but a spirit waring against Christ in the heavens and here on earth! This foul spirit Satan wants a Kingdom opposed to Christ! This spirit has a home field called hell! He was kicked out of heaven but believes he has the home field advantage here on earth! Satan has his beginning in rebellion and death and that is where his Kingdom ends! Wicked governments terrorize their own people and then to their neighboring countries! In Ukraine we see the evangelism of death and millions of homeless people fleeing their own country! The sacrifice of Russian and Ukrainian people because evil also demands a sacrifice! If the sacrifice of God’s own son is rejected then the sacrifice of the masses by Satan follows! High places in governments controlling and sacrificing their own people! This is the history of nations! A culture without Christ will turn on its own! Jesus is called the Prince of Peace! Jesus will put the wicked out of business! They must give up their sin or perish! When Jesus came into my life the internal war ceased! There is still a external war from those that reject Christ yet even those waves that rock my boat everyday I know that Jesus calms those storms as he proclaims peace be still! Peace that remains in my soul as he anchors my soul to his love and the sacrifice on the Cross he has made for me! Jesus predicted wars and rumors of war before his second coming! At Jesus second coming Satan will be bound for a thousand years and then the lion will lay down with the lamb! If everything you have is taken away through war remember you still have Christ where he has gone to prepare a place in heaven for you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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